Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting the hang of first grade...

Hi families! Whew! What a week we have had in first grade. Is your child extra sleepy when they come home? I know I am!! We are working hard already in first grade. I am so proud of the kids as they learn the ropes of being big first graders. With almost one week under their belt, ask your first grader to tell you what they like best about school so far. This week we have been reviewing our Kindergarten skills and working to get to know our new classmates. We have read many stories, created many projects and already learned 2 fancy words. Ask your child to tell you what "fantastic" and "unique" mean. Today in math, we turned "Play"dough into "Tool" dough and used it to create numbers and solve simple addition problems. We read a story about a very unique elephant named Elmer and designed our own Elmer. Ask your child to tell you what happened in the story of Elmer the Patchwork Elephant. We also got to know our class pet, who is unique just like the rest of us! Invite your child to tell you about Rabberta when they get home. We have visited every Special this week. Today we had Library with Mrs. Preston, our new librarian. Be sure to check our Specials rotation on this blogpage so that you can help your child be prepared for each day's Special. Tomorrow is a "D" day and that means we get to go back to Music and PE. Please be sure your child has on their PE shoes! Tomorrow we have our first assembly to kick off this year's PTO Fall Fundraiser. Be looking for the information that will be coming home in tomorrow's Friday folder. I hope your child has had a great first week. I know it is challenging for some of them to get out of summer mode and into school mode. Please help them do their very best by allowing them to get plenty of rest each night. I am here to help! If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call or email. I adore your kiddos! I am so excited to share their first grade adventure with them! Have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Ms. Beverage! I just took a look at your blog and I really appreciate the time and work you put into making it.

    Josh Gilmore


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