Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Book Fair Mid-Week

Hi families! Happy Tuesday night...hopefully some of you were able to attend tonight's Family Night at our Sunflower Book Fair. Don't forget that tomorrow is not only Tie-Dye Day, but it is also "Pastries with Parents". The Book Fair will be open from 7:30-8:30 tomorrow morning for you to attend with your child. Thursday is "Grandparents and Special Friends Day". If your child's grandparent or other special family friend would like to come have lunch with your first grader, we would love to welcome them. We will eat lunch from 10:55-11:25. Let me know if you have any questions. Did your child come home with lots of papers today? We had a desk clean out and several of our kiddos had been storing quite the collection of unfinished work! Your child does not have to finish the work that came home, unless you would like to provide them some extra practice. The papers are sent home more for you to see if your child is completing his or her work during classtime and showing responsibility for handing in the expected work. Be looking for last week's timed test to be coming home. Please help your child continue to strengthen their computation skills by providing them extra practice at home. There are many computation games on our webpage that help with this skill. Many of our kids have commented that these games are "hard"...it is only with practice that their automaticity of these basic facts and their number sense can improve. Thank you for your extra practice at home. It absolutely shows in your child's performance at school. Ask your child to tell you about the word "sequence". Have them explain to you the sequence of a butterfly's lifecycle. We are spending this week learning about the sequence of events in a story and why they are important. Here's a fun skill builder for you to do at home: Provide your child with several photos from different parts of their life (newborn, infant, preschool, present). Have them sequence the pictures in order and then tell about the pictures. Be sure they are using the words "first", "next" and "last" when they are sequencing. As always, email or call me with any questions. Have a wonderful night...maybe I will see you at the Book Fair tomorrow!

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