Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Madness!

Whew! What a day. I can tell the kids are in countdown-to-Christmas mode. We are full of energy. With the end of the quarter quickly approaching, we need to be sure our kids are getting plenty of rest and staying on a regular schedule. In the upcoming weeks we have many assessments planned and it is critical that our kids are here and healthy. Please help your child do their best by keeping them in a routine. Today we learned our new sound "ar"...have your child put on their best pirate impression and tell you our sound. This week's spelling pre-test is coming home today, so please check your child's backpack and start practicing those words. This is our last spelling test of 2012! WOW! In math we learned about 3-D shapes. Have your child tell you about a sphere, cylinder, cube, cone and rectangular prism. Challenge them further by having them go on a shape hunt in your home and see if they can find a read-world example of each shape. I have put 2 new 3-D shape practicie games under our "Math Websites". Have your child practice sorting and searching for these shapes at home. Some upcoming events to put on your calendar: Friday December 14 = MOVIE NIGHT! We will be showing Arthur Christmas Saturday December 15 = SANTA IS COMING TO SUNFLOWER!!!! Sunflower families are invited to come over to school starting at 10am and have their picture taken with Santa. Pictures will be $10 and the lines will be much better than the mall! Hope to see you! Our Winter Party is coming up next week. Be looking for information coming home later this week. Stay warm and healthy as we wrap up 2012 together. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything for you. See you soon!

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