Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday Wrap

What a week!!! Crazy weather, crazy busy! We are trying to get back into our groove after last week's musical. It's been a challenge with the crazy weather and shortened week. Whew! Let's get caught up to speed: 1. Field Trip permission slips went home last Friday. If you have not already done so, please be sure to return it to school with your child this week. We will be going to a Paul Mesner Puppet show and having a picnic. We need permission slips back and puppet show money returned soon in order to buy our tickets. Our wonderful PTO will be providing the extra money so that each child will get to make their own take-home puppet. It is going to be a lot of fun! Let me know if you need another copy of the permission slip. 2. Did you remember that THIS FRIDAY is our AMAZING school carnival???? Our PTO goes over the top to make this such a fun-filled evening. I hope to see all of you Friday night. If you have volunteered your time, you should have received a reminder slip in your child's mail last Friday. If you are unsure of your scheduled time, drop me an email or call me and I will let you know. Thank you in advance to everyone who has donated supplies or their time to making this a wonderful night for our kids. I have been asked to tell all of my families that if you purchased Magic Show tickets, there will be 2 showtimes. One will be at 5:15 and the second show will follow at 5:45. If you can make it to the 5:15 showtime, we are encouraging our families to come to that show as we are anticipating the 5:45 show to be very full. Thank you for your understanding and consideration! 3. Please remind your child's Flat Stanley recipient not to worry about sending it back by the date on the letter. We will be displaying our Flatties as they return to school until the end of the year, so when they are ready they can send it back! Have a wonderful evening. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything. Hope to see you Friday night at the Carnival!!!

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