Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Hi families! Hope this post finds you enjoying a peaceful (and cool) Tuesday evening. We had another great day in first grade. I cannot begin to tell you how much I LOVE THIS GROUP OF KIDS!!! They are so much fun to be with. I have absolutely loved each moment with them as we dive into first grade. Did your first grader come home today and tell you about the word "UNIQUE"? This is our word of the week. We are learning this word (a college word, I told them) and gaining an understanding of how cool it is to be unique. Ask your first grader to tell you what was unique about me today. I was sure someone would tell me a looked "weird", but not one of them did (here's a hint...it has something to do with my hair color). They only said, "Well, that's unique Ms. B". Yay! The lesson is sinking in. We created our own unique Elmer elephants from our story yesterday and today we started creating our own unique cows to match a poem we read together. Have your child how they designed their cow to be extra special and UNIQUE! Tomorrow, we will take a tour of our new Lifeskills room and see all of the neat things that happen in there. It will be exciting to see how all different kids can learn, communicate, move, laugh, play...It is definitely cool to be UNIQUE! Did your child mention their special "Jitter Juice" today? We read a poem this afternoon, and went on a letter hunt. Afterward, we talked about the word "jitters". Even though our back-to-school jitters have gone away (for the most part), we talked about how we can still feely nervous when something new is happening. After our poem, we made some delicious (and green) Jitter Juice. The unanimous vote was that it was DELICIOUS!!!! Have your child tell you about it. I have loved working one on one with the kids this week. Thank you to the wonderful Ms. Andrea for leading our whole group lessons in letter and sound review. I am overwhelmed at the skill level of this group of kids! Thank you to all of you for investing so much time into your children. They are all, off-the-charts adorable, hard-working and just FUN to be with. Have a wonderful night. Holler if you need anything! Thanks for sharing your kids with me during the day...see you soon!

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