Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Hi families! We made it through mid-week. Whew...the kids are getting worn out as they settle into their new school routine. Is your first grader sleepy earlier than usual? I know my own kids are wiped out at night. Please continue to help them get plenty of rest and stick to their new school routine in order to help them do their best at school. Today, we finished up our unique cows from Tuesday. Ask your child to describe their cow and the things that make it unique. Tomorrow we are going to try our first cooperative learning activity as we keep learning about the word UNIQUE. The kids reviewed some more letters and went on a letter hunt around our room. They played a trick on me, too. Be sure to have your child tell you what they did to outsmart me with the letter "i". It was a good one!!! Today our story was Lily's Purple Plastic Purse. Have your child tell you some of the main parts of this story. We used the story to help us learn about "Good" and "Not-so-good" choices. We welcomed a little visitor today in the form of our story's main character, Lily. A little plush Lily is going to spend the rest of the week traveling from desk to desk looking for friends who are making good choices. Ask your child if Lily has visited them yet. You may also want to brainstorm some ideas of what they could do so that Lily will see the good choices they are making (raising their hand, following directions, being a kind friend, not giving up, being respectful, etc.) Lily will be sure to sit on every desk before she has to leave... Your child might also be talking AND super psyched about our class chain...we have been working together to complete our chain link and today was the day that the chain touched the ground!!! Yippee! Usually, it takes my classes MANY weeks (if not months) to fill up a chain. I am so proud of them and how they work together. Friday we will be having a celebration of sorts. I will let you know what our special treat will be...hmmmm. I wasn't ready to have this happen so soon! I tell you, they are an awesome bunch! Finally, don't forget that TOMORROW is our Watchdog Dinner! A flyer will be coming home tomorrow, but we would love to see you all at Sunflower for a pizza dinner! Be sure to look for the information that is coming home in your child's backpack TOMORROW. It's always a great night! Have a wonderful evening.

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