Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Field Trip TOMORROW!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Don't forget that tomorrow is our much-awaited field trip to Pendleton Farms in Lawrence. Your child needs to wear their NEW light blue Sunflower t-shirt, comfy shoes and they need to bring a disposable sack lunch with an unbreakable drink. We will be learning about butterflies, going into a butterfly garden and traveling through a pumpkin patch. This field trip will gear us up for our upcoming science unit on LIFECYCLES. If you volunteered to come with us, your child should have brought you a reminder note. We will be leaving at 9am, so if you wish to follow us you need to arrive at Sunflower by 8:50. We will return to school around 1 or 1:30, just in time for Specials. Has your child told your about our new friend, Katie? We are so happy to have Katie back at Sunflower and joining our class family. The kids have been wonderful to her! Welcome, Katie! Has your child been talking about shapes this week? We are learning and reviewing our knowledge of 2D shapes this week. Ask your child to tell you about a trapezoid. They should also be able to tell you the fancy name for an oval AND a diamond. Challenge them by asking if they can tell you how many sides and angles each shape has. We have spent a lot of time talking about defining attributes, so check their learning and retention! It is almost impossible to believe that next week marks the end of first quarter! If you have not already done so, please return your conference preference slip asap. I am trying to get all of my families scheduled and am missing about 5 responses. It is so important to me to get the opportunity to briefly meet with you and catch you up to speed on the wonderful things your child is doing, so let me know when a convienent time is for you to meet. If you are in the market for some cheap entertainment, our Sunflower 4th graders are preforming their musical tonight at Wheatridge Middle School. The show is usually about 20 minutes and it is always very entertaining. Swing by to watch our Sunflower kids in action, if you are looking for something to do this evening. Show starts at 7pm. Has your child been practicing their /all/ words? This is a tougher spelling pattern and extra practice will help them find greater success. Are you reading your RED folder books daily? Be sure to read each night with your first grader for 5-10 minutes. When your child is ready to read their story, please return it to school in their RED foler. Our goal is to read 25 just-right books by March. Let's get a jump on it now! As always, let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do for you. I will be sure and post some pictures of tomorrow's field trip. It is sure to be a great time!

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