Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Practically Perfect Day!

Hi everybody! We made it back from our first field trip and WHAT an adventure it was! We had a wonderful time at Pendleton Farms in Lawrence, today. We made it through a surprise thunder storm, hunted for butterfly eggs, searched for caterpillars, chased butterflies, picked pumpkins, played in a corn bath, learned fancy science words like "metamorphis" and "proboscis" and even fed tomatoes to chickens! WHEW! Your child is coming home with their self-selected pumpkin. They are probably worn out, dirty and (hopefully) very happy and excited to tell you about our day. Be sure to ask them about the rain storm and camping on the bus, the butterfly pavillion, corn bath and ask them about tagging live butterflies and setting them free. Thank you SO much for all of the moms who were able to come with us today. It was a fun-filled day together and a WONDERFUL way to jump-start our next unit on lifecycles! I took so many pictures that I wore out my camera battery...I will run to the store this afternoon and get more so that I can upload a new slideshow for you to enjoy. Our kids were amazing (especially with waiting out the rain storm). It should be an interesting dinner conversation as your child shares their favorite parts of today with you this evening. Check back soon for the latest pictures from our adventures at Pendleton Farms!

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