Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Crazy Assembly Day!

Happy hump day families! We made it to midweek! Is your first grader exhausted? We are working hard at getting back into the swing of school and I see some sleepy faces in the afternoon. Please help your child find their greatest success at school by helping them stick to a good nightly routine that allows for plenty of sleep. Thank you SO much to all of my families who found the time to come to Parent Information Night last night. I had an awesome turnout and can't thank you enough for your time. For those of you who were unable to come, I wanted to let you know that starting this week we will begin an optional "working snack" time at 2:30. Your child is welcome to bring a small, healthy snack from home to get them through the last part of our day. We have a peanut allergy in our class family this year, so respect to my friend by not sending in peanut products is appreciated. A "working snack" will be a snack that the children can enjoy while we continue to work. There is not a designated time allotted just for snacks. Additionally, it is individual so you need only send in a snack for your own child. If you would like to donate additional snacks for children who may not bring in a snack, we would greatly appreciate it, but it is not necessary. Thank you so much for your understanding and support. For my parents who were in attendance last night at our meeting, our working snack was suppose to debut today but we had a CRAZY assembly that went WAY too long and we barely got back in time to go home. We will try out working snack TOMORROW!!! Finally, along those lines, your child is bringing home our annual Fundraising packet from that crazy assembly this afternoon. There is an opportunity to sell several different items and the money earned from this fundraiser is our MAJOR money maker for our amazing PTO which does so many incredible things for our kiddos. Thank you so much for your support. The information is included in the packet, but please let me know if you have any questions. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Be sure to ask your child about their day. Maybe you could have them tell you if they remember what "5 crows in a row" are from math? Or have them tell you about our story of Chrysanthemum today. In writing today, we wrote about the kids in our class. Ask your first grader if they remember how many girls we have in our class family? Boys? Invite them to share with you which friend they chose to write and draw about. These prompts may help you have some good conversation at dinner tonight! Remember: bed early!! See you soon!

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