Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Monday!

Welcome back to another wonderful week in first grade! I had some sleepy friends this morning! Mondays are always hard on our babies this early in the year. I know it will probably be an early bedtime tonight...for me, at least! We jumped into our Monday writing in our very FIRST journal of the year. Today's topic was their prediction of what they thought first grade was going to be like...Invite your first grader to tell you about what they wrote? What do they think about school so far? (Hint: we discourage the "B" word..."boring" YIKES!!!) Has your first grader been using or teaching you our new sign language signs that we use in class? So far we have learned over 10 signs and use them together daily. Ask your child to show you some of these signs so that they can talk to you without making any noise or interrupting! Awesome! We have spent the past week talking about how we can be a good friend and today we finished the last piece of our "Helping Hands" paper quilt with our friendship pledge on the back. As soon as I get the "quilt" assembled, I will post a picture. It will be awesome! We have some amazing friends in our classroom. This is a very special group of firsties! Please remember that you are welcome to send in an afternoon snack in with your child each day. Thank you so much to the families who have sent in extra snacks for friends who do not something. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated more than you know. How is that fundraising going? Please remember to continue selling, if you so choose. There is another incentive ticket due by this Friday to check on how many you have sold. The proceeds from this fundraiser fund our amazing PTO for the entire year and our PTO does incredible things for our kids. Thank you so much for your support. Did you child tell you about our visit from our new SRO officer today? We had a guest reader from the community come and read to us. Officer Robinson came on her birthday to read us a story and talk about her responsibilities as a Gardner Police officer. Invite your child to tell you something she shared or showed us today. I hope you find time this evening to enjoy the beautiful weather and the company of your family. Stay safe and healthy and I will be waiting for your sweet first grader bright and early in the morning!

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