Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The First Day FLEW by!

Well, that was fast! Our first morning just FLEW right by. What a wonderful morning it was getting to spend time with your darling children. There wasn't too much time for a lot of excitement on this first day, but we certainly were BUSY! We unpacked lots of our supplies and got our "party houses" started. We learned about the not-so-nice "Drippy Glue Drew". Have your child tell you about old Drippy Glue Drew and why he doesn't come to the party in our party box. We read a story, checked out the very exciting first grade bathroom and tried our hand at our first recess. Our new principal, Mrs. Tann came to visit and we had an all-school assembly full of cheers and dancing. Did your child make it home with their seeds? We planted baby sunflowers today. Please help your first grader care for their seeds so that they will be able to see them GROW and bloom. I will be posting our very first SLIDESHOW asap, so be sure to check out how we spent our morning. Our slideshows are a great way for your child to reflect on their day with you at home. I hope your child is feeling a little better about starting school. Please remember that tomorrow is a FULL day. We eat lunch at 10:55. If your child would like to get a school lunch, the menu is listed on the sidebar of the blog. They started to look a little sleepy as the morning went on, so an early bedtime will help them hang in there as they transition to all-day school mode. I am so excited for our year together. Thank you for your precious children. Remember next Tueday is Parent Information Night...Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything from me. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day! See you soon!

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