Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday Check In...

Hi families! Ok, so I am sitting here thinking about tomorrow and I realized that I need to send out a reminder. If you were able to attend Parent Night on Tuesday, you received a note asking your child to bring in a treat for our trailmix potlock party. They were asked to bring in something that starts with the first letter of their name. For example, Acy brought in APRICOTS. I know some of you were unable to make it Thursday and I realized that I had not gotten the note sent home. If you have not sent in a little something to add to our alaphabet trailmix for our potluck, can you please consider it? I think I may wait until Monday for our Potluck party so that no one has to run around today at the last minute...Let me know if you have any questions. I will include a reminder in tomorrow's Friday Folder as well. Don't forget that tonight is our Watch D.O.G kick-off supper at 6pm. Come on by for a pizza dinner and sign up for a spot on our calendars to be our Watch D.O.G. Tomorrow is also our first PTO sponsered Movie Night from 6-9pm. Hope you can make it! This heat is tough on our kids. Be sure your first grader is getting plenty of water and rest. We almost have one full week of first grade under our belt! Way to go! Stay cool and comfy tonight.

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