Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Friday, August 22, 2014

We did it! Friday report...

One FULL week of first grade under our belt! Whew! It was a little wild and crazy today, but we made it. I can imagine that some of your kiddos came home a little disappointed because we did not have time for Celebrations or Me Bags. I am SO sorry...we were had a class meeting about all of the things coming home in our Friday Folder and then we had a popcicle party to celebrate our first FULL week of being first graders. All of a sudden, it was time to go home! We are so busy in room 111, that today we couldn't fit in all of our activities. Hopefully, it will give your first grader something to look forward to on Monday! I hope you saw the reminder about our potluck ABC party being moved to Monday. If you haven't brought in a small snack to match the first letter of your child's first name, don't worry! You can bring it in on Monday. Remember "BETSY" will bring "BUTTERSCOTCH CHIPS". Your child's contribution should fit into a trailmix-type of snack for our celebration. Your child is also bringing home their Yellow Sight Word Folder AND their R.E.D. folder. There are letters of explanation included if you were unable to make it to Parent Night. You will also find our first math homework page. Please remember, we just do what we can do. If your schedule does not allow time for you to complete ALL of the homework activities, it's ok. Remember, the most important thing you can do for your child is READ with them everyday. Be sure to email, call or come visit me if you have any questions or concerns about your sweet first grader. I also want to give you the heads up that I purposely gave books out today in RED folders that were, possibly, too easy for your child. In order to grow them, we have to encourage them...the best way to do that is through confidence. If you feel your child's book is too difficult, just send it right back with a note and I will try out a new book for you. I am excited to get into a routine of listening to our kids read and grow through books. Have a wonderful weekend together! Find some air conditioning and make time to enjoy each other. I will look forward to seeing your sweet first grader back on Monday! Way-to-go for a week well-done!

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