Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September In Pictures...ENJOY!

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Tuesday Check-In and Conference Note Reminder

Happy Tuesday! I am sitting here looking through all of the conference notes that I have gotten back and am trying to schedule a time to visit with each of you about your sweet firsties. I am missing about 10 responses, so if you have not returned your blue note that was sent home last Friday, can you please try to send it back as soon as possible? I will try hard to accomodate your first choice of a timeslot. I am anxious to meet with you all and share what your kiddo has been doing as we wrap up our first quarter adventure. If you are going to be out of town for Fall Break, please let me know. I am happy to meet with you before or after fall break, as well! Have you returned your child's field trip permission slip? Please try to get that returned as soon as possible, too, so that we can get everything locked away for our trip next week. Mark your calendars for Picture Day next week, too! It is going to get busy very quickly. Let me know if you need anything between now and conference time! Have a great evening together!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Check Friday Folders!!!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A Happy Friday families!!! What a week we had as we get ready to say goodbye to September. How can it be that next week will bring October with it...which means the end of the quarter....which means CONFERENCES! Wow! Tonight in your child's green folder is a blue conference sign-up sheet. Please mark your top two time slots and return it to school with your first grader next week so that I can coordinate with any sibling teachers and get your spot reserved to talk about all of the wonderful things your kiddo is doing in first grade. Conferences are scheduled for October 15-16, so be looking for your blue sign up sheet tonight! Also, there is a yellow field trip form coming home today. On October 10 we are going to a butterfly pavillion in Lawrence. We will stop at Celebration Park and return to school in time for early dismissal and fall break. Please be sure to return your child's permission slip to school as soon as possible as well, so that we can get everything solidified. A fall book order is coming home today, too. Please remember that all orders directly benefit our classroom. Thank you so much for your support. In the next two weeks before the field trip, we will be learning about the butterfly lifecycle. I need help from home to help with a few projects I would like to do with the kids. If you could please send in any and all paper towel rolls that would be fabulous. We also need the following snacks to make an edible science project: Mini marshmallows, mini Tootsie Rolls, Gummy Worms and "fancy crackers" (crackers that look kind of like butterflies). If you find any of these items while you are out and about, we would love you help in supplying these materials to make this unit extra-special and yummy! Thank you so much in advance! Have a wonderful last weekend of September!

Now try /-ed/!! What is the ROOT WORD?

We learned ROOT WORDS this week! Let's add -ing!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday is the New Monday

Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday= D Happy Monday...I mean TUESDAY, families! I am so sorry for the delay in my update. I was out with a sick kiddo myself yesterday, so I am a day late! I hope you had a great weekend and I hope your week has started off on a wonderful foot. Did you notice that your child did not bring their Friday folder home last week? That was completely their TEACHER'S fault! We had a wonderful time last Friday at our Learning Celebration (pictures to come later) but we were BUSY! So busy, in fact, that I completely forgot to send their folders home. Then, I was out yesterday and my sub forgot to send them home. SO, today you will find your child's Friday Folder...which we coined our "Tuesday Folders" today. They are full of this week's homework, cool work we completed last week and a few notes. Let me know if you have any questions about any upcoming events. Here are a few new things ahead to mark on your calendars: 1. THIS Friday September 26, Moive Night hosted by third grade. We are showing the LEGO Movie! 2. October 8 = Picture Day 3. October 10 = Field Trip (notes to come home soon) 4. October 10 = Early Release Day 5. October 13-17 Fall Break and CONFERENCES!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


PS. I almost forgot...did your first grader come home with a bag of stick puppets from our story this week? This week we read the story "Get Up, Rick!". Your first grader made popsicle stick puppets and brought them home tonight. If they use their puppets to retell our story of Get Up, Rick to you at home, please sign their baggie of puppets and return it to school. I will give all the kiddos who did this extra activity an Eagle ticket! If your child didn't do it tonight, they can certainly retell the story to you this weekend. Retell is a new concept that we are working on, so it may be a little tricky this first time! Also, be sure to ask them about the "-ck date"...see if they can tell you the rule of the /-ck/ pair. It's tough stuff being in first grade!!! Goodnight!

Learning Celebration TOMORROW

Hello families! Good grief, I don't know where the time goes! Did your first grader come home and tell you about Learning Celebration tomorrow? Tomorrow we will be having our annual Sunflower Learning Celebration to celebrate Constitution Day and learn about some of the things that make our country so amazing. Your child has been asked to bring a sack lunch from home tomorrow for our school-wide picnic on the playground. We will be traveling to all of the first grade classrooms doing different activities celebrating our great country and state. You child will be given their new Sunflower Eagles t-shirt for the year in the morning, too...thanks to our AMAZING PTO!!! It is sure to be lots of fun! Did your child come home and tell you about our safety drill today? Because this week is Safety Week, we have been practicing all of our drills and today's was our "intruder alert". They did an amazing job. Be sure to talk with them about what happens during an intruder drill. If you should have any questions, please come and talk with me. I was so proud of them today! Has your first grader told you about "Eagle Tickets"? Each one of them earned an Eagle ticket from me today for an amazing job in the cafeteria and hall. WOW-ZA!!! They rocked! Have them tell you what happens when you get an eagle ticket and what they did to earn one (or two!). Don't forget a sack lunch tomorrow!!!! Have a wonderful night!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy Monday!!!

Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C Happy Monday families! Here we go into another week of learning and excitement. We have been so busy in first grade that I haven't been able to keep up on all of our new knowledge. Has your child come home and told you about contractions, opinions, predictions, estimations, classifying, 10-teams??? Have your child tell you about any or all of these new concepts. This week we are focused on Safety! Hopefully you received an email from Mrs. Tann outlining our agenda for Safety Week. Today our kids had a presentation about 911. Here is an excerpt from our wonderful specialist who lead the disscussion: • "We had a special guest today from ATT to teach us about how/when to call 911. • There are lots of different types of phones to call 911 on and it is good to practice on lots of different phones. • Do they know how to call from all your phones in case there was an emergency? • When you make a 911 call, make sure you are calm, speak slowly and carefully, answer all of their questions, and stay on the line until the person says you can hang up. • All students heard how important it is to know their phone number and their home address. • Sacks of information will be coming home with the students." Be sure to check your child's backpack and find their goody sack of information. I told the kids that they need to be working to memorize their address and phone number. I will be checking their memory often to see if they have mastered their personal information. Please help your first grader learn this important information as a means to help keep them safe! We will be practicing fire safety, tornado safety and "intruder" safety this week. Please continue to talk with your child daily on our safety topics. Often when we have to talk about safety, it can generate a long line of thinking and questions for your child. I will continue to assure your child they are safe...We are just going to learn to be safe AND smart! Mark your calendars for this Friday! It is our annual Learning Celebration this Friday September 19. We will spend the day learning about our wonderful country, celebrating our Sunflower family and learning about our Constitution that makes us so extrodinary. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch on Friday. Be looking for a note to come home in backpacks tomorrow...Also, next Monday is Library Night. There was a green note sent home last Friday. Hope you can make it! I want to give a shout out to ALL of my first grade friends who are working so hard to READ EVERY DAY with their RED folders! Thank you so much for your support! Reading everyday, even just for a few minutes makes ALL the difference in the world! Way to go! Have a wonderful, fall evening together! See you soon!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bring On Another Week of Learning and Fun!

Monday= B (Library!) Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B Happy Sunday families! I hope you had another wonderful and relaxing weekend together...did you get outside??? I hope you and your precious first grader were able to enjoy this beautiful weather doing something FUN. Was your kiddo worn out on Friday after our fabulous pajama party? I sure was...we had a great time celebrating our awesome class behavior. This week we are full-steam ahead...did you notice I sent 2 different math homework pages home on Friday? It was not an accident! I am trying to catch us up with the other first grade classrooms. I must have started sending the homework home a week later...so in an attempt to catch up, I doubled up. If you are able to get through both pages, awesome. If not, totally fine too. This is really just a great piece to communicate with you what we are learning in class. Have you watched the 10-Team Rap video I uploaded on Friday? We are starting to work HARD to learn our 10-Teams and the kids are loving this rap (especially the "Check Baby" part!). Any additional practice you can give your child to remember their 10-Teams (or partners) will help them IMMENSELY!!! We have talked about how 1 ALWAYS hangs with 9 and 7 LOVES 3, etc. Remembering these partnerships will strengthen your child's problem solving skills in lessons ahead. Have a restful night and as always, don't hesitate if you need anything! See you soon...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pajama Day TOMORROW!!!!!

Hi families!!! Yes, it IS true-tomorrow is Pajama Day in our first grade classroom!!! I am so sorry that I didn't get a note made up officially letting you know. The kids' had a homework assignment tonight to go home and tell their parents about tomorrow's fun day. Did they tell you WHY they get to have a PJ Day? We have filled up our first class compliment chain and so in celebration we are having a "PP" day...Pajama and Popsicle Party Day. Woo-hoo!! Good times in room 111! Send your kiddo to school in the jammies if they want, they can also bring slippers or socks but be sure to have regular shoes so that they can participate in recess and PE. Also, please remember to turn in your cookie dough sales packet TOMORROW! We want to support our incredible PTO and every sale helps! Thank you so much for your support. Has your child come home and talked to you about our new word "PREDICTION"? Be sure to ask them what this is a fancy word for...they catch me using the baby word all of the time now. Have them tell you all about it. I have a PREDICTION that tomorrow will be lots of fun and very exciting as we have more first grade adventures in our jammies! Have a great night!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Monday!

This Week's Special Rotation: Monday = No School! Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A Happy September, families! I hope this post finds you all rested and happy after a long weekend together. I sure did miss your first grader and I can't wait to hear all about their Labor Day weekend. Tomorrow we are going to be starting another new week of learning, complete with new spelling words, new stories and new concepts. Don't forget that it is not too late to keep selling cookie dough for our annual fundraiser! Keep those cookie packets a few more days and sell if you can! Get some sleep and try to help your first grader remember their library books tomorrow! See you soon!