Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pajama Day TOMORROW!!!!!

Hi families!!! Yes, it IS true-tomorrow is Pajama Day in our first grade classroom!!! I am so sorry that I didn't get a note made up officially letting you know. The kids' had a homework assignment tonight to go home and tell their parents about tomorrow's fun day. Did they tell you WHY they get to have a PJ Day? We have filled up our first class compliment chain and so in celebration we are having a "PP" day...Pajama and Popsicle Party Day. Woo-hoo!! Good times in room 111! Send your kiddo to school in the jammies if they want, they can also bring slippers or socks but be sure to have regular shoes so that they can participate in recess and PE. Also, please remember to turn in your cookie dough sales packet TOMORROW! We want to support our incredible PTO and every sale helps! Thank you so much for your support. Has your child come home and talked to you about our new word "PREDICTION"? Be sure to ask them what this is a fancy word for...they catch me using the baby word all of the time now. Have them tell you all about it. I have a PREDICTION that tomorrow will be lots of fun and very exciting as we have more first grade adventures in our jammies! Have a great night!!!

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