Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


PS. I almost forgot...did your first grader come home with a bag of stick puppets from our story this week? This week we read the story "Get Up, Rick!". Your first grader made popsicle stick puppets and brought them home tonight. If they use their puppets to retell our story of Get Up, Rick to you at home, please sign their baggie of puppets and return it to school. I will give all the kiddos who did this extra activity an Eagle ticket! If your child didn't do it tonight, they can certainly retell the story to you this weekend. Retell is a new concept that we are working on, so it may be a little tricky this first time! Also, be sure to ask them about the "-ck date"...see if they can tell you the rule of the /-ck/ pair. It's tough stuff being in first grade!!! Goodnight!

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