Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy Monday!!!

Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C Happy Monday families! Here we go into another week of learning and excitement. We have been so busy in first grade that I haven't been able to keep up on all of our new knowledge. Has your child come home and told you about contractions, opinions, predictions, estimations, classifying, 10-teams??? Have your child tell you about any or all of these new concepts. This week we are focused on Safety! Hopefully you received an email from Mrs. Tann outlining our agenda for Safety Week. Today our kids had a presentation about 911. Here is an excerpt from our wonderful specialist who lead the disscussion: • "We had a special guest today from ATT to teach us about how/when to call 911. • There are lots of different types of phones to call 911 on and it is good to practice on lots of different phones. • Do they know how to call from all your phones in case there was an emergency? • When you make a 911 call, make sure you are calm, speak slowly and carefully, answer all of their questions, and stay on the line until the person says you can hang up. • All students heard how important it is to know their phone number and their home address. • Sacks of information will be coming home with the students." Be sure to check your child's backpack and find their goody sack of information. I told the kids that they need to be working to memorize their address and phone number. I will be checking their memory often to see if they have mastered their personal information. Please help your first grader learn this important information as a means to help keep them safe! We will be practicing fire safety, tornado safety and "intruder" safety this week. Please continue to talk with your child daily on our safety topics. Often when we have to talk about safety, it can generate a long line of thinking and questions for your child. I will continue to assure your child they are safe...We are just going to learn to be safe AND smart! Mark your calendars for this Friday! It is our annual Learning Celebration this Friday September 19. We will spend the day learning about our wonderful country, celebrating our Sunflower family and learning about our Constitution that makes us so extrodinary. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch on Friday. Be looking for a note to come home in backpacks tomorrow...Also, next Monday is Library Night. There was a green note sent home last Friday. Hope you can make it! I want to give a shout out to ALL of my first grade friends who are working so hard to READ EVERY DAY with their RED folders! Thank you so much for your support! Reading everyday, even just for a few minutes makes ALL the difference in the world! Way to go! Have a wonderful, fall evening together! See you soon!

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