Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Field Trip Permission Slips DUE TOMORROW!

Happy Thursday families! Just a friendly reminder that I need all field trip permission slips turned in tomorrow October 24! The blue permission slips were handed out at conferences and we need the permission portion back asap. Remember that we used the money from our cancelled trip to pay for this trip, however if YOU would like to attend we want to get you a ticket at a discounted price! If you pay in advance with your permission slip it is $5.50 for each adult attending, BUT if you pay at the door the tickets are $17! Yikes! Please be sure to return your permission slip back as well as your payment for your own ticket, if you are planning on attending. I am still missing 7 permission slips. Thank you so much for your help!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We are feeling ROYAL today!

Cookie Dough Pick-Up and FREE Taco Dinner TONIGHT!

Let's Go Royals!! (Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap) Let's Go Royals!! (Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap) Our cookie dough is here!! Please come pick-up your orders today starting at 3:30! And if you want a quick meal before the Royals game, come on up to the school for a FREE Taco Dinner starting at 5 p.m. We promise we'll have you home and ready to go for the first pitch at 7:07 p.m!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Old Technology Anyone????

Hi families! I hope you are enjoying your fall break together and this day of sunshine! I am sitting in our empty classroom missing your kids and thinking ahead to the upcoming quarter. I am sending out a request/mission for my families: If you have or know anyone with old electronic equiptment such as old ipod touches, i-pads, or tablets we would love to take them off of your hands. If you hear of anyone no longer needing their old electronics because they are updating, our kids would love to have this type of technology in our room to explore with different apps and use them for projects. My team and I have been coming up with all sorts of cool ideas that involve this type of technology, but we don't have any in our room. I have some money from our PTO money machine that I am trying to put toward a used tablet on Craigslist, but we will see...Spread the word, if you know of any kind soul who no longer needs their device, our kids would love to have acess to them in class. Thank you so much for your condideration. Don't forget conferences this week! I am anxious to talk to you all about your amazing kiddos! See you soon!

Friday, October 10, 2014

The rain didn't get us down!

We tried to find some sunshine in our rained-out field trip day. Hopefully your first grader came home with some joy from a disappointing start to our day with our cancelled field trip. Instead of going to the butterfly garden and pumpkin patch, we brought the butterflies and pumpkins to US! Ask you first grader to tell you about some of our rainy-day activities. We enjoyed a first-grade Specials time and a first grade picnic in the gym. We made edible science and watched "A Bugs Life", too. We crammed a lot into our short time together today and I hope they had fun. Please remember that your child is off of school all week for Fall Break. I have everyone scheduled to come to conferences, who will be in town next week. I am anxious to meet with you and catch you up to speed on first grade thus far. You child will return to school on Monday October 20 to begin their second quarter of first grade. I had one friend today tell me how excited she was because "when I get back from Fall Break I will be a second grader!!!" Oops...not quite. Please be sure your child returns to first grade with stories of fun from their week off. I will miss their smiles and sparkle. Enjoy your time together. I look forward to meeting with you next week! Happy Friday!

NO Field Trip!

Sad news on this rainy morning...our field trip has been canceled! We called Pendelton Farms this morning and they cancelled our trip due to weather. Please prepare your child for the news and assure them that we will have another field trip later this fall. We will do our best to make it a day of fun at Sunflower instead of the butterfly garden and pumpkin patch. BOO! We will have a picnic in our classroom today, so if you still would like to bring a sack lunch that is great...if not our cafeteria will be serving lunch too. Don't forget dismissal at 1pm! Thank you! So sorry the weather did not cooperate!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Waiting on the Weather...

Ok families, it is the night before the field trip and we are waiting on the weatherman before we make a decision on tomorrow's field trip. There is a BIG possibility that we will have to cancel our field trip for tomorrow due to weather. Our trip is entirely OUTSIDE and if it is too rainy, we will cancel in the morning. Please stay tuned and check our blog in the morning for our final decision. Remember that we dismiss at 1pm tomorrow, also. Please be sure to check your child's backpack tonight to read the orange note that came home about tomorrow's trip and possible cancellation. If we DO end up going tomorrow, everyone who wanted to ride the bus will be welcome to ride along with us! We should have plenty of room for all of our amazing guests. I am so sorry about the limbo...stay tuned....We will make a final decision tomorrow by 7:30 am. Cross your fingers...but remember, even if we go it will be CHILLY so BUNDLE UP!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Picture Day TOMORROW!

Happy Tuesday families! Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow (October 8) is Picture Day! We will have our pictures taken at 9:15 in the morning, so have your first grader come gorgeous and ready to flash their beautiful smiles! If you haven't already returned your order for pictures, you can bring it in tomorrow! Have a great night...cross your fingers for no rain on Friday!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Check-In

Monday = B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= FIELD TRIP! Happy Monday, families! Can you believe this is the last Monday of first quarter? Amazing! Quick check-in: Your child is bringing home 2 important pieces of paper in their backpack tonight. One is a note about a toy drive Sunflower is participating in for one of my former first grade students. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider participating in "Trevor's Toy Drive". Second, your child is bringing home your scheduled conference time on a blue paper. If your conference time will not work, no problem...just return the bottom portion to school and I will find a time slot that will work. If your time WILL work, please return the bottom confirmation portion of your blue note so that I can look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's first grade adventure, thus far. Do you remember that we are going on our first FIELD TRIP this Friday October 10. I am still missing 4 permission slips and payments. Please return your yellow permission slip and payment as soon as possible. If you need an extra copy, please just let me know and I will send one home. It will be a wet, chilly day. Start looking through your child's drawers and find their new "It's An Eagle Thing" t-shirt, because they will need to wear them on our trip on Friday! Don't forget to check backpacks tonight and find your blue conference slip! I am anxious to visit with each of you! Have a wonderful evening.

'e' - Shock Karate (The Electric Company)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, families! Whew, what a week! Your child is coming home with some science homework today! They should be able to tell you all about their "marshmallow shooter". Be sure to have your first grader show you how their shooter works and then have them explain WHY the reaction happens. They should be using words like "force", "motion", "push", "pull", and "gravity". We have been learning about forces and motion all week. Today we did a playgroud lab experiment with the equiptment to determine whether we use pushes or pulls to play on each piece. We also worked in teams to try out different objects in our team marshmallow shooter. Have your first grader tell you what object went the farthest and which one did not travel very far. Encourage them to explain why they think the results of their experiment were the way they were. Have you marked your calendars for our field trip next week? Can you believe that conferences are the week after next? Amazing how time flies! I am anxious to to talk to you about all of the things that your child is doing in first grade, so please be sure to send your blue conference slip in asap. Your confirmation time will come home next week once I have everyone scheduled. Our postcard map project is coming along great! Sunflower first graders have LOTS of states covered from our postcard project. Come by school and check out the big map and all of the postcards our kids have gotten so far...keep spreading the word. We would like to have a card from each state by the end of the quarter next week! As the weather gets chilly, be sure to have your child bring a jacket to school for recess! If it's not raining and above 20 degrees, we go outside! Have a wonderful weekend together! See you back on Monday!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Science HELP!

Hi families! HELP! We are doing a "Motion Mania" tomorrow and I am supposed to have a center with pinwheels...I came home today to find my 2 pinwheels have disappeared. Do you have any pinwheels laying around your house that we can borrow in the morning? If so, can you please send them to school with your kiddo in the morning? They will come home tomorrow in one piece...we are in need of them to experiment with one of our forces and motion activities. Thank you so much in advance! See you soon!