Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, families! Whew, what a week! Your child is coming home with some science homework today! They should be able to tell you all about their "marshmallow shooter". Be sure to have your first grader show you how their shooter works and then have them explain WHY the reaction happens. They should be using words like "force", "motion", "push", "pull", and "gravity". We have been learning about forces and motion all week. Today we did a playgroud lab experiment with the equiptment to determine whether we use pushes or pulls to play on each piece. We also worked in teams to try out different objects in our team marshmallow shooter. Have your first grader tell you what object went the farthest and which one did not travel very far. Encourage them to explain why they think the results of their experiment were the way they were. Have you marked your calendars for our field trip next week? Can you believe that conferences are the week after next? Amazing how time flies! I am anxious to to talk to you about all of the things that your child is doing in first grade, so please be sure to send your blue conference slip in asap. Your confirmation time will come home next week once I have everyone scheduled. Our postcard map project is coming along great! Sunflower first graders have LOTS of states covered from our postcard project. Come by school and check out the big map and all of the postcards our kids have gotten so far...keep spreading the word. We would like to have a card from each state by the end of the quarter next week! As the weather gets chilly, be sure to have your child bring a jacket to school for recess! If it's not raining and above 20 degrees, we go outside! Have a wonderful weekend together! See you back on Monday!

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