Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Old Technology Anyone????

Hi families! I hope you are enjoying your fall break together and this day of sunshine! I am sitting in our empty classroom missing your kids and thinking ahead to the upcoming quarter. I am sending out a request/mission for my families: If you have or know anyone with old electronic equiptment such as old ipod touches, i-pads, or tablets we would love to take them off of your hands. If you hear of anyone no longer needing their old electronics because they are updating, our kids would love to have this type of technology in our room to explore with different apps and use them for projects. My team and I have been coming up with all sorts of cool ideas that involve this type of technology, but we don't have any in our room. I have some money from our PTO money machine that I am trying to put toward a used tablet on Craigslist, but we will see...Spread the word, if you know of any kind soul who no longer needs their device, our kids would love to have acess to them in class. Thank you so much for your condideration. Don't forget conferences this week! I am anxious to talk to you all about your amazing kiddos! See you soon!

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