Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Check-In

Monday = B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= FIELD TRIP! Happy Monday, families! Can you believe this is the last Monday of first quarter? Amazing! Quick check-in: Your child is bringing home 2 important pieces of paper in their backpack tonight. One is a note about a toy drive Sunflower is participating in for one of my former first grade students. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider participating in "Trevor's Toy Drive". Second, your child is bringing home your scheduled conference time on a blue paper. If your conference time will not work, no problem...just return the bottom portion to school and I will find a time slot that will work. If your time WILL work, please return the bottom confirmation portion of your blue note so that I can look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's first grade adventure, thus far. Do you remember that we are going on our first FIELD TRIP this Friday October 10. I am still missing 4 permission slips and payments. Please return your yellow permission slip and payment as soon as possible. If you need an extra copy, please just let me know and I will send one home. It will be a wet, chilly day. Start looking through your child's drawers and find their new "It's An Eagle Thing" t-shirt, because they will need to wear them on our trip on Friday! Don't forget to check backpacks tonight and find your blue conference slip! I am anxious to visit with each of you! Have a wonderful evening.

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