Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Friday, October 10, 2014

The rain didn't get us down!

We tried to find some sunshine in our rained-out field trip day. Hopefully your first grader came home with some joy from a disappointing start to our day with our cancelled field trip. Instead of going to the butterfly garden and pumpkin patch, we brought the butterflies and pumpkins to US! Ask you first grader to tell you about some of our rainy-day activities. We enjoyed a first-grade Specials time and a first grade picnic in the gym. We made edible science and watched "A Bugs Life", too. We crammed a lot into our short time together today and I hope they had fun. Please remember that your child is off of school all week for Fall Break. I have everyone scheduled to come to conferences, who will be in town next week. I am anxious to meet with you and catch you up to speed on first grade thus far. You child will return to school on Monday October 20 to begin their second quarter of first grade. I had one friend today tell me how excited she was because "when I get back from Fall Break I will be a second grader!!!" Oops...not quite. Please be sure your child returns to first grade with stories of fun from their week off. I will miss their smiles and sparkle. Enjoy your time together. I look forward to meeting with you next week! Happy Friday!

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