Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Counting Down to the spooky weekend!

We've had a super-busy day in room 111! Our pumpkin theme continues with today's scientific experiment. We are conducting a pumpkin mold experiment in our classroom. Today our kids made predictions about which pumpkin piece would mold first. Have them tell you about it!

We finished our paper pumpkin patch and it is on display in our hallway for all admirers to come and view. This was a great lesson in working together and brainstorming. Our hard work paid off! Our class pumpkin patch is beautiful and complete with labels to tell about everything we can find in a pumpkin patch! Have your child tell you what part of our patch they were responsible for.

We learned the word "Graph" today. Ask your child to tell you about graphs.

In math, we continue to work on mastering subtraction. The kids are doing awesome! Keep practicing at home with objects around the house. Practice makes PERMANENT!

Here are a few reminders for the remainder of the week:

1. Tomorrow (Thursday) is HAT DAY!
2. Power Drills are DUE tomorrow!
3. Be sure to return your DECORATED turkey feather that went home last Friday! The note is attached with an explanation of the assignment! I have received 5 back, thus far.
4. Our Fall Party is this Friday Oct. 29 from 2:30-3:20. Feel free to come and play/help! :)

Have a great evening!

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