Miss Beverage's First Grade!

Miss Beverage's First Grade!
Soaring like an EAGLE!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D

Are you ready for a short week? We have a lot to pack into three short days! Don't forget that TUESDAY December 20 in PAJAMA DAY! We will be celebrating the story, The Polar Express. Also, Wednesday is our holiday party with a luau theme! Please join us at 12:30 for the festivities, if you can. We will also be having an all-school sing-a-long on Wednesday at 2:45 before we dismiss for the holiday break. As always, families are welcome to come on over that join in the fun.

I hope you were all able to get out and enjoy this beautiful weekend. See you tomorrow!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Countdown!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday= D Friday= A

Happy Tuesday, families! My Monday blog didn't post, so I am going to try again. Get ready for a busy week! There is so much going on this week and next, we hit the ground running this morning. First things first, here are some heads-up highlights:

TOMORROW, December 14:
1. Holiday Gift Shop! Your child brought home an envelope and letter about the Holiday Gift Shop. Our class is going to visit the shop tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9:30. If you would like to have your child participate, please be sure to send the envelope and amount you would like them to spend along with a list of people to buy for. The children will bring their wrapped gifts home tomorrow.

2. TOMORROW is also our Library "Read-In". Please be sure to read the green letter that is in your child's backpack. They are invited to bring a blanket, pillow, stuffed animal, snack and a drink that looks like water to Library tomorrow. They are also invited to bring in books they no longer want (no baby books) and trade them for a new book. I found a bunch of gently used books on Craigslist that I am going to give to the kids to take so that each one of my students has a book to trade. Help your child pack up their stuff tonight and have it ready for the Read-In in specials tomorrow.

We finally finished our class totem pole! Ask your child to tell you about our "Popcorn Pow-Wow". Each team had an opportunity to share their creation before it was put on our totem pole. Come on by the class and check out this work of art! It is full of symbols that tell a lot about our class family.

Did your child tell you about their symmetry-tree? We are working hard at creating these festive trees. We also learned an Old English poem today that we recognized as a famous Christmas song. Ask your child to tell you about Old English and see if they remember the song that our poem was turned into.

We were testing like crazy today. Our kids took their Dibbels tests today as well as worked on a few more pages in our math assessment. I am so proud of them for working so hard today. Celebrate their success!

Looking ahead:
Friday December 16 = Movie Night, 6-9pm
Tuesday December 20 = Polar Express PJ Day!
Wednesday December 21 = Holiday Party 12:30-1:30, All-school sing-a-long 2:45

Don't forget we don't have school December 22 & 23 and we do not return until January 5, 2012!

Please help your child stay healthy and happy this season. Be sure they are getting plenty of sleep and washing their hands like crazy. I want all of my friends to stay healthy during this exciting time of year. As always, please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything. Stay warm and dry tonight!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday Already?

Hi families! I have no idea how it already got to be Wednesday. WOW! We are right in the middle of another great week. Have you had a chance to visit the Book Fair? Our annual Book Fair is going on right now in the school library. It will be open until Friday and there are some super titles to choose from. All proceeds go back to help build our own Sunflower library, so we are so very grateful to all those who come and support it!

Tomorrow is Grandparent and Special Friends Day at lunch! We are inviting all grandparents and/or special friends to come have lunch with their Sunflower student. Don't forget that our first graders eat lunch at 11am. I am looking forward to meeting some special people in the lives of my first graders.

Did your child tell you about our Toys for Tots project? Our first graders have been learning about the differences between needs and wants. As a culminating project, we asked all of our first graders to donate $1 (25, 50 or 75 cents was great, too) to contribute to the Toys for Tots program. A letter came home this week with information about this opportunity to help a child in our community fufill one of their 'wants'. Tomorrow, December 9, is the final day for your first grader to donate to the optional project. Thank you so much for your help in supporting this final component of the lesson.

In math this week, we continue to practice our 10-teams. With the end of the quarter just around the corner, it's almost assessment time. Daily practice with this basic math skills is essential to help your child find greater success! Today, we began learning about 3-D shapes! Your first grader learned: cone, sphere, pyramid, cylinder, cube and prism (rectangular and triangular)! Check their memory to see if they can identify some of these shapes. Make a game of it and see if they can hunt for these shapes in the house.

We continue to work on capitalization. Check your child's understanding and ask them to tell you at least 3 different times when capitalizing is necessary.

We are still learning about Native Americans and we've moved on the the Northwest Coast. We found this region on the map and learned that there are lots of trees in this area. Ask your child to tell you what they know about the Native Americans who live in this region. Have them share their knowledge of totem poles with you, too. We began working on our own class totem pole today. Talk with your child about the symbol they chose to work on and why we decided that thier symbol represented our class family. I can't wait to see our finished product!

Your child is bringing home their adobe pinch pot from our study of the Southwest Native Americans. Have them tell you all about it, but be careful! The pots are fragile!

Happy birthday today to our friend, Charli! Tomorrow we celebrate our friend, Aidan! It's a busy week for us, indeed!

Have a warm and safe night! Practice your spelling words! Don't forget, LIBRARY day is tomorrow. Bring your books back!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here!

The weather must be changing because we are wild in room 111! Maybe its the holiday excitement among us or perhaps the upcoming snow prediction, either way our first graders are wound up.

We learned about "Needs" vs. "Wants" today. Invite your child to tell you the difference between the two. They should also be able to give you examples of both. With the holidays coming up, I thought it was a great time to learn about the difference between needing something and wanting it. Ask your child to share the things they found on their hunt for needs and wants in our magazines today.

Has your child told you about our Native American False Faces? Be sure to ask them about this cool project. We have learned about symmetry. Ask your child to tell you what symmetry is. You could also ask them to find examples of symmetry around the house. We are using this concept to create and design masks that Native Americans would have worn in their ceremonies. Have your child tell you about their work-in-progress!

Here are a few upcoming reminders:

1. December 5-9 = Book Fair! Come on by the library and check it out!
2. December 8 = Grandparents Day Lunch
3. December 14= Holiday Gift Shop (we will visit the store at 9:30)
4. December 20= Polar Express Day
5. December 21= Class Party 12:30-1:30
6. December 21= All-School Sing-a-long 2:45

Tomorrow is a Library Day! Help your first grader remember their books! Oh! And don't forget we have our spelling test tomorrow! Have a great night.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

Hi families! Here are a few tidbits to keep you in the loop. We are signed up to attend the Holiday Gift Shop on Wednesday December 14 at 9:30am. There will be information coming home about this Sunflower tradition, but I wanted to let those who may be interested know about the day and time for our kids. Also, next Thursday December 8 is Grandparents Day and the Book Fair. Grandparents or special friends are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. Let me know if you would like to reserve a lunch for a guest.

We spent a great deal of time in math today working with 10-teams. There is a great games on our website for 10-team practice. Please help your child work on their automaticity of facts whose sum is 10 (1+9, 8+2, 7+3, etc). Each child could benefit by daily practice at home with these teams. We want the kids to have an automatic connection with number pairs that make 10. Repeated practice with this concept helps to build the skill. Try having your child play "Making Tens Math Shoot" under our math game link on this page. This skill-building activity will help your child a great deal with their upcoming challenges.

Are you practicing this week's spelling words? Please help your child work on completing their homework by week's end, too. Power Drills and reading homework went home yesterday!

We made Southwest weavings! Come on by and check out our patterned project. It was tricky, but they turned out beautifully. Your child is an expert on the Native Americans of the Southwest. Have them tell you 3 interesting things about this region. Next stop is the Northwest Coast!

Have a terrific Tuesday. If you get a chance, have your child play our 10-team math for a few minutes!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome Back

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break together. I enjoyed hearing about your holiday in your child's journal writing today. It sounds like a good time was had by all. I missed my first graders and was so happy to see them coming down the hall this morning.

We are right back into our routine! Spelling pre-tests are coming home today to help you practice this week's spelling words, along with this week's Power Drill and Reading homework. Please help your child practice responsibility and get their homework handed in by Friday. We are working on the /ch/ diagraph this week. Check your child's memeory to see if they can tell you when it is appropriate to use /tch/ for an ending.

It's hard to believe that we will be welcoming December by week's end! Amazing. Tonight is the annual Christmas in the Park. Older students from Sunflower choir will be singing before the lights are set to turn on at 7pm. Bundle up and come on down to the park! Santa arrives in a fire truck just before the lights turn on.

Looking ahead:
December 8 = Grandparents Day and Book Fair
December 14= Holiday Store

Have a warm and cozy night! Welcome back!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful day sharing dioramas and thinking of all the ways we are thankful! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family. I can't wait to see you back next week! Be safe and be happy! I am thankful for all of my first grade friends!

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More Fall Fun!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

A few end-of-the-week reminders!

1. Tomorrow is our spelling test! Please help your child practice these have-to-know words with the /sh/ diagraph!

2. Please remind their child to complete their diorama, if they have not already done so. We have had a WONDERFUL turn-out and I want to be sure that all of our friends have an opportunity to showcase their creative skills and knowledge of Native Americans and Pilgrims.

3. Tomorrow night is Movie Night! We will be showing Cars 2. Please join us for a warm and safe activity. Movie Night runs from 6- 9pm here at Sunflower.

4. Next week, we have school on Monday and Tuesday only! Happy Thanksgiving (already??!?!?!)

5. Looking ahead: Christmas in the Park is Monday November 28.
Grandparents day & the Book Fair is December 8th.

Have a warm and cozy night! Practice your spelling words!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Scrapbook

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Marvelous Monday!

We had a WONDERFUL parade today. Thank you so much for helping your first grader be prepared for today's parade. The school loved seeing all of the book characters! Ask your child to tell you their favorite character from our grade level parade. I will post some pictures as soon as I can. It was so much fun!

Are you working on your diorama? We are hoping to have them back to school and ready to share by Friday. Please encourage your first grader to work on their setting. If you need a shoebox, give me a call or email me. I have several extra that I would be happy to share.

Power Drills and Reading homework are coming home tonight. Help your child practice responsibility and get them back by Friday. Remember, the Power Drill is your child's ticket to Power Half-Hour on Friday!

I am looking forward to a great last full-week before Thanksgiving. Let me know if you need anything! Thanks for your terrific kids.

Character Parade Today!

Good morning families! Don't forget that today at 3:05 is our book character parade. Your child should bring a costume or poster depicting one of their favorite storybook characters. Don't worry if your child forgot, we will create something at school so that no one is left out.

Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend. Please join us today at 3:05 for our character parade, if you can!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Wrap

Whew! What a week. We have had a lot of excitement in our first grade this week as we welcomed our 20th classmate! Brandon joined us on Wednesday and we are so excited to have him in our class family. Have your child tell you where our new friend,Brandon, moved from. Welcome Brandon!

We were busy learning some tricky things this week. In math, we began continued addition with 3 addends, began learning about graphs and kept working on story problems.

Our stories this week were Sid Scores and Land of Ice. One was a fiction story, the other was non-fiction. Ask your child to tell you about each story. They may also relay facts they learned from Land of Ice. If you haven't used ThinkCentral yet, you may want to pull the stories up online and read them with your child over the weekend. The stories are getting more challenging and we are working hard on our fluency. Extra practice that goes hand in hand with what we are doing in the classroom always pays off for your first grader!

We learned about compound words this week. WOW! That was a little tricky. Ask your child to teach you about compound words. Over the weekend when you are out and about, encourage your child to hunt for compound words. They should be able to break the word into its two real-word parts. Use a bedtime story to hunt for all of the compound words. Encourage your child to come up with some of their own.

Our spelling test went okay for some of our first graders this morning. They are coming home in your child's backpack. If you child is consistently missing more than 2 or 3 words, please find time to help them practice during the week. These spelling words are centered around a specific spelling pattern for the week. Often, the only way to practice these patterns and words is through drill. Make flashcards, highlight them in newspapers, or just have your child write their words each night. Please help your first grader find greater success with their spelling words by helping them at home.

Don't forget to also help your first grader return their weekly homework. Homework comes home every Monday and is due back by Friday at the latest.

Finally, please remember that MONDAY is the first grade parade in honor of American Education Week. Your child is responsible for coming up with a costume or creating a poster/sandwich board that depicts their favorite storybook character. We have read many books from my "favorite" basket. Help your child complete this assignment this weekend and bring or wear their character representation to school on Monday November 14!

Also, has your child started their diorama? The letter of explanation went home on Monday. The dioramas are due Thursday November 17th. Please take time to talk with your child about things that they can use to create their scene. Thank you so much for your support with this fun fall project at home!

Have a wonderful weekend together! Only one week and 3 days until Thanksgiving. WOW!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Organizer!

Hi families! We had a great Monday back in the swing of things. The rain didn't slow us down too much! Your first grader is bringing home several important papers today. Please be sure to look through your child's backpack with them and have them tell you about the homework projects. Your child is also bringing home this week's spelling words, Power Drill and Reading homework. WOW! We have so much going on with just two and a half weeks until Thanksgiving!

We had M&M math today as we continue to work on adding 3 numbers. Check you child's understanding by giving them 3-addends at home. We are trying hard to look for clubs of five or ten when grouping numbers (3+8+7...I know that 3+7 makes 10 and 8 more is 18).

The sound of the week is /or/. See how many words your child can come up with that have the /or/ sound in the middle. Challenge: ask your child another way to spell the /or/ sound (ore, oor).

Stay warm and dry tonight and encourage your child to get a head start on their homework! Have a wonderful, warm evening.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday=C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday=C

Hi famililes! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Did you remember to set your clocks back? Tomorrow is a library day, so don't forget to help your first grader bring their books back.

It was great to see so many of you on Friday at our Chili Dinner and Auction. I hope you all had a great time together. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow and start another great week of learning!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chili Dinner and Basket Auction Tomorrow!

Hi families! Don't forget that tomorrow is our much-awaited chili cook-off and basket auction. I hope you will be able to join us for dinner at 5:30 and then stay to see all of the goodies at the live auction, silent auction and yummy bakery auction! It is such a fun time, I hope you will be able to join us.

We have had a terrific week! We have spent this week learning about the tricky /ng/ sound. We found out that if we put one of the vowels in front of the /ng/ we make a whole new word chunk. Test your first grader and see if they can give you some -ing, -ang, -ung or -ong words. We also learned that if the words have the same ending sound, they are a ryhming pair!

We have focused a great deal on Beginning, Middle and Ending. In addition, we are studying "Setting" in stories. These story elements are very important to readers and our ability to understand and retell a story. Ask you child to tell you the beginning, middle and ending parts of today's story "Soccer Song".

On Monday, we had a mini pumpkin festival. Our kids traveled to all of the first grade classrooms for different pumpkin activities. We graphed our height in pumpkins, measured the length and diameter of different pumpkins and we mixed science and art by making a disected paper pumpkin. Our class even used our labeling skills to identify all of the pumpkin parts! Come on by and check out our paper pumpkins on the vine and look at our setting project. Can you guess what setting we created as a class team? The labels will give you a clue. Come on over and take a look at our first grade hall!

In math, we continue our daily problem solving. This week we have also moved on to addition with 3 addends. Give your child a math problem such as 4+3+2=, and see if they can solve it.

If your child has not handed in their math and reading homework that came home on Tuesday, be sure they hand it in tomorrow. We will have our first Power Half Hour for the kids who have returned their Power Drill!

Stay warm and cozy tonight! I will hope to see you tomorrow night at our Chili Dinner!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Goodbye October~

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B

Happy Monday! We sure are excited for tonight's festivities here in room 111. We have tried to channel their excitement by focusing on pumpkins today! We had a mini pumpkin festival with all of the first graders today and learned all sorts of fun and new things. We we measured and graphed our height using pumpkins. We wrote our first "sloppy copy" of a pumpkin subraction story. Our class created a cross-section of a paper pumpkin complete with all of it's parts. Now all we need to do is label the parts that we have learned about! We hunted for rhyming words today and reviewed question marks. Whew!

Last week we had a great time at our fall party. Thank you to everyone who helped make it a success! We did a bat study last week and learned all sorts of interesting facts about these nocturnal creatures. Then, we used our little hands to create handprint bats!

Don't forget that this Wednesday November 2 is Dominoes Pizza Night. Friday November 4th is our annual basket auction and chili feed. Our basket is AMAZING. I have never had such a wonderful turn-out with donations. Thank you all so much! I can't wait for this fun event.

Our first math Power Drill was set to come home tonight but I will wait until tomorrow to send it home. I know that some of you may be very busy this evening and so we will just wait to send it until tomorrow. Have a safe and fun evening! Don't let your kiddo stay up too late or get too cold! I want all of my first grade friends to stay healthy!

Thank you for a wonderful October. You are all so kind to celebrate my birthday all month long. I loved every surprise! Thank you for being YOU!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Red Ribbon Week!

Monday= A Tuesday= B Wednesday= C Thursday=D Friday=A

Hi families! I hope this post finds you well after a wonderful weekend together. A few last minute reminders:

It is National Red Ribbon Week this week. In honor of Red Ribbon Week, Sunflower has designated a theme for each day. Here is the schedule of this week's silly dress code:

Oct. 24 Monday Crazy Sock Day - Wear crazy socks to school
Oct. 25 Tuesday - Slippers Day - Wear your slippers to school
Oct. 26 Wednesday - Red Day - Wear Red to school
Oct. 27 Thursday - Hat Day - Wear your favorite hat
Oct. 28 Friday - Spirit Day

Also, your child brought home an envelope for Major Saver cards on Friday. If they sold cards over the weekend, they can bring their envelopes back tomorrow, turn in their money and collect the cards. They also earn an incentive prize from the company. The people from Major Saver will check with us each morning this week to see if anyone has sold cards.

Don't forget our fall party is this Friday afternoon. We would love to have your join us.

It was great to see so many of you at our Blue Ribbon BBQ on Saturday. Thank you so much for coming and celebrating with our Sunflower family! Have a great week!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Taco Dinner Tonight!

Tonight is our FREE taco supper! If you sold/ordered cookie dough during our fall fundraiser, it is ready to be picked up TONIGHT! Come on over to school to get your cookie dough and get a free taco dinner! We will be open for pick up from 5-7.

Don't forget that tomorrow our first homework assignment is DUE! If your first grader has not already done so, please help them remember to hand it in tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow from 6:30-7:30am Channel 5 news will be broadcasting from the pumpkin patch here in Gardner. We have invited all Sunflower families to brave the morning chill, put on their Sunflower spirit wear and head out to the patch. You may be on t.v. or even be interviewed about our award-winning school. Bundle up and join us tomorrow morning. BRRRRR!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back to Work!

Monday= D Tuesday= A Wednesday= B Thursday= C Friday= D

Welcome back! I hope you all had a nice week off together. It was AWESOME to have the opportunity to visit with all of my families about the wonderful things your first graders are doing at conferences. Thank you so much for taking the time to come and learn about your child's days here at school.

We are off and running this week. We are learning about diagraphs. Our diagraph this week is /th/. Be sure to practice your child's spelling words at home and be looking for /th/ diagraphs in your child's reading. Our stories this week are "Thanks, Seth!" and "Beth's Job". We have been working on beginning, middle and ending as well as writing captions. Don't forget that the homework for this week came home yesterday and is due on Friday.

In math we are working on story problems. We are learning to pull out important information from a story and create a math equation to match. Practice with your child at home to see if they can calculate the correct equation for a simple math story. An example would be: Ms. Beverage has 9 computer games. She let Ella borrow 3 of them. How many games does Ms. Beverage have left?

Don't forget tomorrow is picture re-take day! If you would like to have your child's school pictures re-taken, or if you missed the first picture day in September, be sure to send your child looking extra shined up tomorrow!

The Blue Ribbon BBQ is this Saturday from 4-7pm. Hope you can make it!

Check out some of our new website games and don't forget to have your child do their homework! Have a great night!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Last Week's Zoo Trip!

Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Lopeman for these amazing zoo pictures from last week's trip. I will post more as soon as I can get my camera to cooperate. Enjoy these incredible pictures of our kids!

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Learning Celebration 2011

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Zoo Crew!

We had a wonderful time at the zoo today. Your first grader should be WIPED out after a day of fun and exploring at our zoo. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. A HUGE thank you to all of my amazing parents who went with us today. We made wonderful memories and saw some super-cool things. Be sure to ask your child about their favorite part of our zoo trip.

Tomorrow is a Library day, so don't forget your books! Get some sleep. Have a great night together and remember that tomorrow is an EARLY RELEASE day. We dismiss at 1pm!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Whew! We crammed so much learning into our day. You should have a very tired first grader this evening. We reviewed short /e/ and took a spelling test with short /e/ words. Be sure to check the website and your child's backpack for this week's words. We read a story call "Ten Eggs". Have your child tell you about our story today. Was it fiction or non fiction?

In math we reviewed some of our kindergarten shapes and learned about some fancy new shapes. Ask your child to tell you what a rhombus is. What about a trapezoid? Can they tell you how many sides these shapes have? Ask them to tell you a shape that doesn't have any sides or angles. We got to experiment with shape building blocks today.

In science we continue to learn about the arctic and antarctic regions. We learned something new about the animals that live there. They have BLUBBER. We did an icky-gooey experiment with blubber. Have your child tell you all about it.

Don't forget our zoo trip is on Thursday! We are SO excited to see all of the animals we've been studying throughout our habitat unit. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch and wear their new brown Sunflower t-shirt on Thursday! Here is a link to the zoo's website so that you and your child can take a look at some of the cool exhibits they have there!


Also, don't forget that Friday is an early release day! I had completely forgotten that we are dismissing at 1pm.

I look forward to seeing you next week at conferences! Let me know if you need anything. Have a great summer-like evening!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome October!

Monday= C Tuesday= D Wednesday= A Thursday= B Friday= C

Monday madness settled in today! We are busy trying to wrap up our first quarter together...how is that possible??? We learned some new fancy pants words, took lots of math "show what you know" tests and learned how to use our own laptop! We also left our desert habitat and ventured on to the COLD arctic and antarctic. Brrr! Ask your child to tell you about some of the animals that make this cold land their habitat.

We are 3 days away from our zoo trip! Don't forget to have your child wear their new brown Sunflower t-shirt on Thursday and bring a sack lunch. It is going to be a wonderful day of exploring different habitats.

Thanks to all of my friends for being responsible and bringing their library books back today. Don't forget that we will go back to the library on Friday. Please continue to practice automatic recall of math facts with +/- 1 or 2. Your child should be able to answer 10 math problems +/- 1 or 2 in one minute and fifteen seconds. (8+1, 7-2, 5+1, 4-1, etc)

I look forward to meeting with all of you next week at conferences. Let me know if you have any questions! Have a great night together!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Morning

Monday= B Tuesday= C Wednesday= D Thursday= A Friday= B
Good morning! A quick reminder before you leave the house--don't forget to return your child's green home folder to school this morning! Also, if you have not already returned your conference preference slip or emailed me your preferred times please do so today.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to have your first grader journal all about their fun times this morning! Have a super day!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Friday of fall...

Happy Friday! We've had a great first day of autumn here at school today. We celebrated the next season with a fancy writing and art project. Your first grader wrote a cinquain poem today about the autumn! We have learned about root words and the -ing ending. We used this knowledge to write part of our poem about the fall. Our cinquain poem only had 11 words about the autumn. Ask your child to tell you some of the words they used to describe their feelings about the fall! We made beautiful fall trees and leaves with our hands and fingers today, too. Have your child tell you all about it.

A big thank you to everyone for getting their field trip permission slips returned! Yay! We are going to have so much fun on October 6 at the zoo. Mr. Mortenson came down yesterday to teach us about hippos in the deserts of Africa. See if your child can tell you something interesting about this giant creatures.

Don't forget that tonight is movie night! We will be showing the movie "Rio" in the commons. Movie night runs from 6-9 and it is always are great time. Come in jammies and bring a pillow.

Looking ahead for next week's Specials:
Monday = B Tuesday = C Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Daily Wrap-Up

We had a great day together! I had lots of sleepy kids this morning from the Royals game last night, but they worked hard! We worked in clubs today reviewing lots of important skills. We practiced writing our spelling words with stamps and we re-visited consonants and vowels. We played a CVC ("consonant, vowel, consonant")roll game and we made silly words. Ask your child to tell you one of their silly words that they invented. We did some comparing and contrasting of the story of The Three Little Pigs. We listened to 3 different versions and compared the similarities and differences of them all.

In math we continued to write equations and work with our 10-frames. Please continue to help your child with the automaticity of basic addition and subtraction facts up to 10. Daily practice, flashcards and the games on this blog page help reinforce these important skills!

We are learning about the deserts of Africa this week. We have studied lions and hippos. Ask your child to tell you something about these desert dwelling creatures. Check out the link on our blog under Art, Science and Social Studies. There are some great National Geographic Kids links to these cool desert creatures! We will be on the lookout for all of them on our field trip October 6! Be sure to send your permission slip back asap!

Don't forget that tomorrow is Movie Night! We will be showing "Rio" from 6-9 pm. Cost is $10 a child or $15 per family. Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Morning...

Good morning, families! Don't forget that today is a Library day. Help your child bring their books back to school this morning. Also, today all field trip forms are due back to school. I am still missing a few. If you have not yet returned your permission slip, please send it back! We are going to be going to the KC Zoo on October 6 and it is always a wonderful time!

Did your kids come home last night talking about the animals of the African desert? We learned some new things about lions yesterday. Check your child's memory by asking them to tell you 3 interesting things about lions!

Tonight is the big Royals baseball game! If you requested tickets, your child brought your tickets home on Monday. Have a great time!

Finally, please remember to complete and return your Conference request sheet. I am so excited to talk with each of you about the wonderful things your child is already doing in first grade!

Don't forget about Movie Night this Friday! Have a great day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday Reminders!

Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Hi families! I hope you had a wonderful (and rainy) weekend together. Don't forget that your child's Royals baseball form is due by noon today for the lottery drawing. Every Sunflower student is receiving a free ticket to the Royals game this Wednesday in honor of our Blue Ribbon Award. If you would like additional tickets for your family, be sure to return the form sent home last Thursday.

Also, don't forget that field trip forms are due this week. Your child's yellow form went home last week. If you have not already returned the permission slip, please do as soon as possible!

We have another wonderful week of learning ahead of us!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Learning Celebration is tomorrow!

Hi families! We have exciting news buzzing around Sunflower today! It was officially announced that our school has received the National Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Department of Education. AMAZING! It is an enormous honor to received this distinguished honor for excellence in education. We have many celebrations in the making and tonight your child is bringing home information about two important events for us to celebrate together as Sunflower families. Please be sure to read the notes coming home and join us tomorrow for the GEHS football game. We are also expecting a visit from our Mayor tomorrow at our Learning Celebration assembly at 2:30. Join us! We are so proud of our school and all of the children who make this such a wonderful place. Come celebrate with us!

Remember to send a sack lunch to school tomorrow with your child for our school-wide picnic lunch. You will also want to be sure to send a jacket for our outside time. We have many Constitution activities planned to celebrate this great country we live in and this great school that we are a part of. It is always a super-fun day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Look at what we've been doing in first grade!

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Monday = D Tuesday = A Wednesday = B Thursday = C Friday = D

Did your first grader give you the note about Learning Celebration? A note when home in their backpack yesterday about our annual school wide Learning Celebration and Constitution Day which will be this Friday. Please be sure to send a sack lunch with a non-breakable drink with them on Friday September 16th. We will be having an all-school picnic outside.

Your child also brought home a yellow permission slip for our first field trip. We will be going to the Kansas City Zoo on October 6th to wrap up our unit on habitats. Thank you so everyone who already signed and returned the permission slips! If you haven't, please be sure to sign it and return it to school with your child asap!

Has your first grader told you about our fancy words this week? Test them to see if they can tell you, or act out, the words: politely, pouted and ambled. We have had lots of fun playing charades this week with our new fancy words.

I hope you all have a great rest of the day! Your kiddos looked so nice for pictures this morning.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Busy Mid Week

Thursday = B Friday = C

We had a great middle of the week, today! We have spent the last few days reviewing short /i/. Ask your child to tell you what the short /i/ says (remind them that the short /i/ gets grossed out a lot-that will help them remember its sound!). We have been reading a story in our books called "Miss Jill". Ask your child to tell you about this non-fiction story. We are also working hard on at writing complete sentences. Have your child review the ingredients for a complete sentence. You may even want to challenge them by having them write 3 sentences with this week's spelling words.

In math we are working hard on "take away subtract". I have included a YouTube video below of one of our favorite subtraction songs, "When You Subtract With a Pirate". Test your child's memory to see if they can tell you what a "difference" is. Do they remember what a "sum" is? We continue to work on measuring with non-standard units, too. Try to use words at home such as "taller" and "smaller" to compare sizes of objects.

In science, we did some magic to complete our ocean art habitats! Have your child tell you about their project. They are drying overnight and will be on display later in the week. Come see our ocean wonders!

Don't forget that the fundraiser packets are due back, whether you sold items or not. Please bring your packets back to school as soon as possible.

Thank you so much! Have a great night with your family.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday check-in...

How is it Thursday already? We are off and rolling in first grade. Is your child coming home tired after school? They are working like crazy and learning all sorts of new things. We have been reading a story in whole group called The Van this week. Ask your child to re-tell the story to you. Some of our first graders worked on a sequencing activity today by putting events of the story in order. We made stick puppets and read the story to our partners while we acted out the events. Have your child tell you why the bus was so "crammed" and about the character who comes up with a "solution" to the problem in the story.

We have spent a lot of time of have-to-know first grade words. The words came home on Monday and are posted on our webpage. It is a great idea to help your child learn these words at home. Go for a hunt around the house for the words, make a list of all the spelling words they can find in their library book, write their words in rainbow colors, etc. Get creative! These are no-excuse words that are found in daily first grade text, so lots of exposure pays off for your child's success!

We continue to write like crazy! The kids are already doing better with writing in complete sentences and we just learned about it this week! WOW!

In math we continue to work on "Put Together Add" and the concept that 2 parts of something make a TOTAL. An extra challenge for your child at home is to give them a number (ie. 8) ask them to come up with as many math problems as they can whose answer is 8! This helps them formulate number relationship and recognize the parts can make a total.

We are focusing on the Ocean habitat this week. We learned that the ocean has 3 layers or zones. Check your child's memory by asking them to tell you the 3 zones.
(1. Sunlight Zone, 2. Twilight Zone 3. Midnight Zone)

Upcoming events for your calendar:
* No School September 5th
* Fundraiser Money due September 7th
* Picture Day September 14th

Don't forget Library day is tomorrow!

Have a safe and cool night!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday =C Tuesday =D Wednesday =A Thursday =B Friday =C

It was great to see my first grade friends today! We started our morning writing in our journals about our weekend. There was lots of fun had by our friends. We continued to work hard with short /a/. Be sure to look at this week's spelling words on our webpage. Have your child practice writing them, reading them and hunting for them around their house. Make flashcards, write them in shaving cream, play guess the word, just surround your child with these have-to-know first grade words! We worked on writing complete sentences this morning. Ask your child to tell you what 4 things they need to have to make a sentence! We read a book called Sad, Sad Dan. Your child should be able to retell you the story about Dan the tiger. Ask: "Why was Dan sad?", "Who was Pam?", "What did Pam do for Dan?", talk about how Dan felt at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.

In math, we continued to work on adding. We used colored clothes pins and links to create number sentences (3 + 5 = 8). It would also be very helpful if you could have your child practice writing their numbers each day. Give them several easy math problems at dinner (sums less than 10) and keep them thinking!

Today was a Library day. Many of our friends remembered their books. If your child forgot their books, don't worry! They are welcome to bring them back tomorrow. Just remember to check our newsletter and website regularly if you are unsure of our letter day. We will return to the Library again on Friday, so mark your calendars!

Your first graders is bringing home their first Homelink for math. Homelinks provide parents with the insight to what we worked on today in math. Your child is expected to complete their Homelink, have a parent/adult sign it and return it tomorrow. If they hand it in tomorrow, it is worth 10 stars on their Starcharts!

As always, never hesitate to let me know if you need anything. Have a great night together. Stay safe and cool!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Full Week Under Our Belt!

Specials for the remainder of the wekk:
Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Today marks our first full week of first grade! Yippee! The kids are adjusting very well to their new surroundings and long days. I am so proud of them! It is my hope to update our blog daily to keep you all in the know. I am working hard to learn all about my new class family and discover all of their strengths. Our first graders have spent this week taking several assessments in order to help me learn their needs and develop ways in which to indivualize their learning. Next week, we should be off and rolling with first grade. We have spent the first week learning routines, making new friends and reviewing our Kindergarten skills. Ask your child to tell you about their Star Charts, their morning jobs, the lunchroom, Captain Underpants and Specials. Invite your child to share their favorite part of their day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Twas' the night before first grade...

It was so fun to meet ALL of my new first grade friends tonight! Thank you so much for coming to Meet the Teacher night. I hope you all went to bed early because our first grade adventure starts tomorrow. We are going to have a blast this year! I hope you are excited. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I can't wait to meet my new bunch of blooms!

Hi everybody! I am getting so excited to start a new first grade adventure with you. I hope you are having a fun summer. Don't forget about Meet the Teacher Night on Monday August 15! I am so excited to see you there. Our first day of school in Tuesday August 16. We are going to have a blast. See you soon!

Ms. Beverage

Don't forget to keep practicing your ABC's this summer! Do you know what all the letters say?

We are going to be rockin' readers in first grade! I can't wait!

Get ready to go nuts with numbers in first grade! Can you count higher than this song?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Role-Model Wednesday

Greetings! Today was our big "Mock First Grade" day! We hosted all 4 kindergarten classes in our room and did an activity with them to get them excited for first grade. Our kids did a great job as first grade leaders. We spent the morning role-playing for our visitors and practicing our manners. We working on introductions and making people feel welcome. Our kids did a wonderful job! Have your first grader tell you all about it. They are also bringing home a small flower. A HUGE thank you to Katina Holle for finding someone to donate the beautiful begonias that we were able to plant with our kindergarten friends and send home with each one. The flowers have wonderful symbolism. Ask your child to tell you what the flowers stand for.

We continue to review the math goals for this quarter. Our test will be next Tuesday or Wednesday. Help your child strengthen their already concrete knowledge by play the top 10 games under our "Math Games" category on this webpage.

We have been reflecting back on all that we have done in first grade and sharing our MEMORIES. We began a writing "web" that lists out all of the happy memories we have made this year. Ask your child to tell you 3 or 4 things that they wrote on their writing web. We are going to be using this activity to create a final writing project about reflections and memories. Encourage your child to share their memories of first grade with you at home.

Don't forget that THIS FRIDAY May 13 is our annual Field Day! It is a day jam-packed full of activities. Your child will need a sack lunch and tennis shoes. On the chance that it rains, we will have our make-up field day on Monday May 16.

We are on the home stretch on first grade. Please help your child continue on their school routine for a few more weeks. I just can't believe it's nearing time to let my little blooms grow into even bigger flowers. They are a treat to work with each day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy May!

Monday = D Tuesday = A Wednesday = B Thursday = C Friday = D

Happy May Monday! It seems too chilly to be welcoming May. We have postponed our "Flower Day" one more day in order to avoid tonight's predicted frost (really?!?!). If you forgot to send a flower to school today for your child to plant in the first grade flower bed, you are in luck! You have an extra day to grab an annual and send it to school for your first grader to plant. I am planning on taking the kids out tomorrow to plant our flowers and get our first grade flower bed looking fabulous!

I completely forgot to send the May Lunch Calendar home today. I am SO sorry. I will be sure to send it tomorrow. Looking ahead to tomorrow's lunch choices, it looks like choice "A" is Chicken Nuggets, choice "B" is BBQ Chicken Leg and choice "C" is PB&J. Thank you for your understanding!

Your child is bringing home some important things in their backpack today. First, they are bringing their "Play Hospital" t-shirt home. This is the shirt they will need to wear on Wednesday's field trip. I am sending it home early in case you may want to wash it in advance. We were not given any choices on sizes, so if the shirts are huge, I apologize. They are a gift from Olathe Medical Center and I wasn't able to request specific sizes. When we are done with the field trip, maybe it will make a nice night shirt! Please be sure your child come dressed in their Play Hospital t-shirt on Wednesday May 4th. They will also need a sack lunch with a disposable sack lunch and NON-breakable drink.

Have you signed up for Family Access? USD 231 is establishing an on-line enrollment process for the 2011-2012 school year. If you have not already signed up for a Family Access password allowing you to enroll on-line, please stop by our office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.

We have so many end-of-the-year things going on this month. Your child is bringing home a May calendar that they created with our special days labeled. Please have them tell you about all of the activities that they have marked on their calendar. We are sure to be busy in the upcoming weeks.

As always, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need anything. The end of the year will be here in a blink. Be sure to love on your child a little more for being so wonderful and working so hard.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ms. Beverage is BACK!

Thursday =B Friday =C
Monday=D Tuesday= A Wednesday=B Thursday=C Friday=D

It was so good to be back today and see all of my first grade friends. The kids seem to have grown up so much in 15 days, I just can't believe it. Mrs. Godwin raved about how wonderful our class is and they had a fabulous time with her. I am so proud of all they have accomplished in the time I was gone. It is hard to believe that in just a few weeks, they will be second graders. YIKES! What a year of milestones for all of us!

Just a few reminders as we approach the end of the year chaos:

This Friday April 29 = CARNIVAL!

Wednesday May 4 = FIELD TRIP

Friday May 6 = Mrs. Morgovnick's retirement party (3:45) and MOVIE NIGHT

Friday May 13 = FIELD DAY

Thursday May 19 = TALENT SHOW

Monday May 23 = 1st grade graduation ceremony and awards

Tuesday May 24 = Last day (Boo Hoo!)

Thank you so much for all of your support and kindness as we welcome and adjust to life at home with our newest little blessing. You are all a wonderful bunch of families and I am blessed to know each one of you. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's A GIRL!

Hi families! Just wanted to let my families know that we welcomed Georgia Rose tonight after a very long day. Our new baby girl weighed a whopping 10 pounds, 10.3 ounces and is 22 inches long. What a BIG girl! We will post pictures asap. Thank you all so much for all of your well-wishes and support. Give your kiddos a big hug from me and tell them I miss them already. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'Twas the night before baby...

Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Hi families! I just wanted to give you a quick update and let you know that starting tomorrow, I will be gone on leave. We are hoping to meet our baby tomorrow. The kids and I celebrated our last day together for a few weeks with an all-class lunch bunch and food math day. Have them tell you all about it!
We have been working hard the last few weeks as we near our final month of first grade. I am so proud of our kids' growth this year. It has been amazing! Last week in math we worked hard at double digit addition without regrouping. The kids seem to have mastered this concept quickly, as long as they remember to "break it down". We also worked hard at telling time to the half hour and challenged it up by reading times to five minute increments as well. Whew! This week we are working at learning FRACTIONS. So far, we have learned 1 whole, 1/2 and 1/4. Have your child show you what they know by asking them to tell you about fractions (2 key words = EQUAL and PART) and even invite them to show you a fraction with a cookie, piece of bread, cracker, etc. We used food (graham crackers and cookies) today to learn fractions. We will continue to write and match fractions and remember that a fraction is simply an equal part of ONE WHOLE item.

Don't forget that next Tuesday is our last PTO meeting and all-school ART WALK! Please come by our classroom and admire all of our amazing artwork! Also, the field trip permission slips went home last week. If you have not already done so, please return the slip to school asap.

Feel free to check our webpage for any updates on baby. I will be sure to let you all know when our baby makes his/her debut! Thank you all for the well-wishes and support. It means more to me than you can know! Have a great night...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday = D Tuesday = A Wednesday = B Thursday = C Friday = D

What happened to our early spring? I hope you had a great weekend despite the yucky return of the snow! We journaled about our weekend this morning and it sounds like you all had a great time. We started a new story today in our reading book. Your child should be bringing home their orange basal book and reading you The Kite today. We talked about fantasy stories. Ask you child to tell you why this story is fantasy. We also reviewed the long u sound. Quiz your child by asking them to give you five words that have a long u sound in them.

In math today, we learned about telling time to the half hour. Many of our kids were already experts at this! Good job at home! Keep practicing telling time to the half hour. Have your child tell you how they count around the face of a clock. They should be able to tell you that we count by 5's.

We are working on creating expressive and symmetrical clown faces for our art project this week. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Ask your child to tell you what kind of expression they have chosen for their clown face.

Don't forget that this Friday is Movie Night! We will be showing "Tangled". Power Drills are due on Thursday and the last day to take AR tests that count toward the KU award program is this Friday, too! It is looking like a busy week! As always, let me know if you have any questions! Have a wonderful evening.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Back!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Welcome back after what I hope was a wonderful Spring Break for your family! I could tell that I had some sleepy kids today. It was so great to see all of my first grade friends and get started with our last quarter together. We spent today getting back into our first grade groove. We each wrote a book page telling about our Spring Break adventures and activities. We reviewed ABC order with festive March words. This was a tough activity, but our kids didn't give up and gave it their best try! YAY! We let our creativity flow today by making kites to celebrate the first full day of spring. Our room is feeling very balmy and festive! Come on by and visit us.

Today in math we started our first offical "Mad Minute" today. Have your child tell you all about it. It should actually be called the "Mad THREE Minute", because the child are given 3 minutes to complete 30 addition problems. Ask you child to tell you about their first test. We graphed our answers and learned how to check them ourselves, too. It's the big time in first grade!

Have a super night.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

Monday March 21 =C Tuesday March 22=D Wednesday March 23=A
Thursday March 24=B Friday March 25=C

The kids are wound up and ready for their Spring Break! We wrapped up our third quarter with our math post test. The kids did a WONDERFUL job! Please find time to celebrate your child and ALL of the amazing things they have learned in three quarters of first grade. It is unbelievable that we only have one quarter left before they graduate on to second grade. Boo hoo hoo!

This week we wrote letters to the tooth fairy. Come by our room to read your child's letter. Many of them have very HIGH hopes for their tooth fariy treats...just thought you'd like to know! :)

In math, we had some fun with St. Patty's Day. We used Lucky Charms cereal to create graphs. Edible math is always a hit! Ask your child to tell you what symbol in their cereal bowl was their most popular. We also used symmetry to create symmetrical leprachauns. These projects are coming home for you to admire today.

You may notice that your child brought home a great deal of unfinished paperwork in their backpack. We did a MAJOR desk clean-out today and emptied out our work folders. All of the work from 3rd quarter that did not get finished is now Spring Break homework. Please continue to encourage your child to try hard to get their work completed and handed in on time, as this is an essential second grade skill and we are well on our way! WOW!

A few look ahead dates:

*April 12--Art Walk, 7pm

*April 21--First Grade Musical

*April 25--NO SCHOOL

*April 29--Carnival, 5-8pm

I hope you have a wonderful, safe and restful Spring Break. Keep your kids reading and learning. We are on the final stretch of our journey when they return on the

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Friday!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = A Thursday = B

WOW! Thank you so much to all of my families for the wonderful surprise baby shower this morning! I still can't believe that all of my first graders kept it a secret for so long. I had NO idea. It was so much fun. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.

It was hard to get back on task after today's surprise party! We worked hard perfecting our portion of the first grade graduation movie. The kids worked together in groups and practiced super hard to get their lines right and read with expression. We will show our first grade scrapbook movie at our graduation in May. It should be a treat.

We wrote our own math subtraction stories today about frogs. Ask your child to tell you about the story they wrote. What did they have happen to their frogs in their subtraction story?

A few reminders about next week:

1. No school on Friday March 11
2. Monday is a Library day!
3. Identi-kid in March 10

Have a super weekend. Thank you all so much, again, for your kindness and generosity. Today was so special to me. Thank you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Reminders

Hope this post finds you all enjoying a beautiful day! As the week winds down, I have a few reminders to share with you.

1. Please return you slip from Mrs. Neeley, our music teacher. She sent home a white note with information about our barnyard musical and requested feedback from you. If you have the note at home, please return it to school with the requested information. Our musical is NEXT MONTH! These shows are unbelievable!

2. March 10 Identi-kid will be at Sunflower. Parents have the option to participate. More information should be coming home, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

3. Thank you to the families who attended last night's Literacy Night. Great turn out for our age group!

4. Remember, no school next Friday March 11th! We are wrapping up our third quarter and getting ready for spring break. ENJOY!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodbye February!

Monday = B Tuesday = C Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

We are so happy to say goodbye to February today! We have had enough winter and are anxiously awaiting the warm breezes of spring. Isn't it amazing that we are down to just over two more months in first grade?!?

We reviewed our knowledge of timelines this morning. Our kids worked with a friend to identify and write five things that they do each day. We then took their daily events and put them in order. It was funny to put our daily events in mixed up order, too. Ask your child to tell you what they know about timelines and have them share what events they recorded with their buddy.

We played a George Washington review game today. Our kids are true/false experts. With our buddies from last week, we used the sloppy copy of our George Washington book page we wrote on Friday and put it into final copy form. The illustrations and writing turned out super! The kids did an excellent job of working together to publish their class book. Have your child tell you about the page they worked on.

In math, it was a big review day! Our kids seem to have mastered many things but some are still a little shaky about those Fact Families! Please help your child by having them practice at home. Give them only 3 related numbers and have them write two different math sentences with the numbers. For example: 4, 6 and 10, the number sentences would be-- 4+6=10, 6+4=10, 10-4=6, and 10-6=4.

We got four Flatties back today! I can't wait to see where more of our flat friends have traveled to.

Don't Forget

1. Your child's paper toothbrush is due back this week! Now that February is over, our toothbrush project needs to return to school if your child participated in keeping track of their brushing.

2. Literacy night is Wednesday March 2!

3. Power Drills went home today and are due back by Thursday!

4. Lunch choice for tomorrow is: A = Stromboli B=BBQ Beef Sandwich C=PBJ. The calendars were not ready for us to send home today, so just thought you may like to know. :)

5. Library is tomorrow! Don't forget your books.

6. AR tests tomorrow in center time. Please be sure to book talk!

Have a great night as we bid February farewell!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentine's Party Pictures--thanks Katina!

I just received these pictures from our Valentine's Day party! Hope you enjoy them. Please be sure to read today's post about some upcoming events for this week. Remember, PICTURE DAY IS TOMORROW AT 8:45 AM!

Happy Birthday George Washington!

Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Welcome back after a long President's Day weekend! I hope you all had a great time together. After listening to my first grade journals this morning, it sounds like everyone had a nice, quiet break. I am looking forward to warmer weather and healthy kids. March cannot get here fast enough!

A few reminders about this week:

1. TOMORROW (February 23) IS PICTURE DAY! We will have both class pictures and individual spring pictures. A form went home last week. If you have not returned it, please do so tomorrow.

2. Book orders were due last week. I will wait until this Friday February 25 to order, if any of you still wish to send in your form.

3. This Friday February 25 is our next movie night. We will be showing Kung Fu Panda. It is always a good time!

4. Yearbook orders are due by February 28 (next Monday). Please be sure you get your order in by the 28th!

We returned to school today to find that TWO of our chrysalis's' have hatched! We have 2 painted lady butterflies in our room. We are anxiously awaiting our remaining two chrysalis's' to metamorphosis into butterflies. Have your child tell you all about it!

Today we learned about George Washington. Your child should be full of new information and facts about our first president. Ask them to share something new that they learned about the "Father of our Country". In math we reviewed the dollar ($) sign and identified different bills. We also worked at creating a Venn Diagram comparing the one dollar bill and the quarter. Check your child's memory to see if they can tell you something that both of these types of money have in common. They came up with so many similarities! Ask you child to tell you something that is true only about the dollar bill as well as the quarter coin. I was so impressed by their observations and knowledge!

Thank you so ALL of my first grade families for coming to Parent-Teacher Conferences last week! We had 100% turn out! Way to go moms and dads. I am so blessed to have such amazing families and students in my classroom. Thank you for taking the time to come see all of the wonderful things your child is doing in this accelerating half of first grade!

Don't forget about picture day tomorrow! Have a great evening.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday = C Tuesday = D Wednesday = NOTHING, EARLY RELEASE!

What a super-fun Monday! We learned 2 new words today. See if your child can tell your about antonyms (ask them what it is a fancy word for). We also talked about estimation. Check their memory to see if they remember these 2 important words. We used candy heart today to create a graph. Ask your child to tell you about their estimation and their actual number.

Our last party of the year was a HIT! Thank you so ALL of the parents who have made each one of our holiday parties so special. The kids have loved all of the activities and you have helped to create some wonderful first grade memories. THANK YOU!

I hope you are all out enjoying this beautiful day. Don't forget that this is a short week. We will dismiss at 1pm on Wednesday. Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Can't wait to see you all at conferences!

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day evening!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Wrap-Up

Happy Thursday everyone! We wrapped up another jam-packed day of learning and catch up. Be sure to have your child work through the Question of the Day today. We have been doing a great deal with mixed sets of addition and subtraction and today we went for the ultimate challenge. We started with a given number and manipulated the number through addition and subtraction to get to the final answer. Our kids used many different strategies with their partners to determine their answers. I was so proud of what they could do! YAY!

Today's story was "Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch". Check your child's comprehension of this read-aloud to see if they can give you a summary of the book. They should be able to tell you about two or three different characters in the story as well as the problem and solution.

We used our newly learned word, "perspective" and introduced two new words "self" and "portrait" to begin creating our self-portraits in chalk. The kids are using chalk and learning to blend and shade while creating beautiful portraits of their face. We also took this lesson to learn techniques on drawing the human face. We talked about symmetry, mid-line, and other fancy words to help us begin these fabulous faces. We hope they will be completed for conferences next week.

This week in guided reading, we reviewed contractions. Your child should be able to easily tell you what a contraction is, as well as identify contractions and separate the two words that were squeezed together. We also focused on dental health and teeth. A TIME for Kids is coming home this week about animal teeth. Several of our groups used what they learned about animal teeth and created a Venn Diagram to compare their teeth to animal teeth. Be looking for that to come home tomorrow, too!

A few reminders for our next 2 weeks:

1. Valentine's Day party is MONDAY February 14th! If your child would like to hand out Valentine's Day cards to their friends, please be sure that each member of our class family is included. The children are bringing home a word search with the names of all our class members. Please use this for your list at home while you are creating cards. Just in case you loose your list, our class members are:
Ms. Beverage

Some other teachers your child may want to include are: Mr. Mortenson, Mrs. VanRheen, Mrs. Neely, Mrs. King, Mrs. Frick, Mrs. Rodriguez, Mrs. Holle, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. O'Toole, Mrs. Keister and Mrs. Morgovnik.

2. EARLY DISMISSAL on Wednesday February 16. We will dismiss at 1pm for conferences!

3. NO SCHOOL Monday February 21--President's Day.

4. Spring Pictures and Class Picture on Wednesday February 23!

Have a great evening! Don't forget to have your child work on their Valentines!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

Tuesday = C Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Happy Tuesday! We are back and hoping for NO snow days this week so that we can catch up from last week! WOW. What a winter! We dove into learning today just like the penguins we have been studying. We reviewed all of our penguin knowledge this morning and began our final project about penguins. Your child should have a wealth of knowledge about these fascinating birds. Ask your child to tell you five facts about penguins. They could easily tell you more, but see what five interesting things they can teach you. Be sure to check out the new links on our web games for penguin activities for you and your child to play at home.

In math we continue to master greater than and less than, as well as counting to 100 and number relationships. Last week's 100's day was a hit and the kids were surrounded by numbers and counting all day. Who know numbers were such a huge part of our everyday lives?!?! We are beginning to learn about dollars and the dollar ($)sign. Practice this at home with your child to ensure extra success and confidence with these concepts.

We have some visitors in our classroom this month. Has your child told you about our Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars? They are getting bigger by the minute and soon we hope to see their chrysalis's forming! Encourage your child to continue their observations on these little creatures and share their observations with you at home.

Ask you child to tell you about our toothbrush contest! They should be bringing home a large paper toothbrush today. They should put their paper toothbrush in their bathroom and mark off the boxes when they brush their teeth (at LEAST twice each day!). There are 21 days left in February and their assigment is to return their filled out toothbrush to school by March 1st for their dental health prize! Please help encourage your child to participate and demonstrate responsiblitiy with this long-term assignment!

Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week:

1. Have you returned your Flat Stanley paper? Many of our Flatties have already arrived at their destinations. I am still missing addresses for 4 of my flat friends. Please ask your child if they have returned their blue slip!

2. Have you returned your conference confirmation green slip? I am still missing several confirmations. I am so anxious to talk to you about all of the things your child is doing in first grade!

3. Valentine's Day party is MONDAY FEBRUARY 14th! A note with a list of our class family's names will be coming home for those of you who chose to give out Valentine's.

4. Remember: NEXT WEDNESDAY is an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY! The children will be dismissed at 1pm in order for conferences to begin at 2pm.

5. Spring Picture Day is February 23!

I look forward to seeing you all next week at conferences! As always, let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day and STAY WARM. BRRRRRRR!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Happy Sunday evening, families! I hope this message finds you all warm and cozy in our homes as we await this next blast of winter. Just a few reminders about tomorrow:

IT'S 100's DAY!!!!

Don't forget to bring your bag of 100 things (remember they can be 100 different things, or 100 of the same thing!).

Don't forget to wear clothing with numbers, too!

Also, don't forget to return you Flat Stanley blue paper with the name and address of the person you want to send your flattie to.

Finally, if you haven't returned your conference time request sheet please do so ASAP. I am trying to finalize our schedule and am looking forward to seeing each one of my families!

Thanks so much. Stay warm and be safe!

Here is our Specials Rotation for the week, too. Remember those library books on "C" days!
Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The First Full Week of the Year!

Monday = A Tuesday = B Wednesday = C Thursday = D Friday = A

Hello families! We have almost made it to our first full week of school in 2011! No snow days, no holidays, just time for learning and LOTS of catch-up from all of these missed days. Be sure to check tomorrow's newsletter carefully for updates on many of our upcoming activiites. Some important dates and things to remember:

1. Friday (tomorrow) is MOVIE NIGHT! First grade is sponsering tomorrow's movie night. We will be showing Shrek Forever After. It starts at 6pm and ends at 9pm. Hope to see you!

2. Monday January 31 is 100's Day! Can you believe we've been in first grade for nearly 100 days? In honor of this big day, the kids have been given an assignment. They need to try and wear clothes with numbers on them on Monday as well as bring their bag of 100 items (a note went home two weeks ago, with another reminder earlier this week).

3. Conference slips are due back ASAP. I have received almost all of them back, but am missing a few. Please let me know when a good time is to meet and talk about all of the wonderful things your child is doing!

4. Valentine's Day party is Monday February 14.

5. Conferences are February 16-17.

6. No school February 18-21!

Have your child tell you about all of the amazing things we've been learning about in first grade. Here is a list of conversation starter-themes:

*Martin Luther King Jr.
*Venn Diagrams
*Mr. Munch

Let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see many of you tomorrow at movie night!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Waddle

Wednesday = A Thursday = B Friday = C

Hello families! Welcome back after our surprise snow days! I hope you all stayed warm with your kiddos and enjoyed a little extra time with them. We braved the cold today and returned to room 111. I was so happy to see my friends walk in this morning with their red cheeks! We did a lot of journaling this morning about our snow days. Then, we read the story The Snowy Day. We used the character in the book, Peter, and compared what Peter did on his snowy days with the things that we did during our snow days. The kids created another Venn Diagram comparing themselves and Peter. It was fun to see what activities they shared with our book character today.

We also read book 2 in the Tacky series. Today was Three Cheers for Tacky. The kids think that Tacky is a halarious character. Ask your child to tell you what kind of an animal Tacky is and what makes him so funny. They may also want to recite the cheer from today's story. Ask them to preform Tacky's funny cheer or his friends' proper cheer. Check their retention of this story by asking them to reflect and re-tell you about it.

We introduced the vocabulary word "FACTS". We began our list of penguin facts, too! Have your child tell you three facts about these unusual birds.

In math, we jumped into learning about 10's and 1's. This is a tricky concept for many children. We learned how we need to group things in sets of 10 and tried to figure out how many 10's are in the number 34, and also how many ones are in that number. Help your child at home by giving them a large group of similiar objects (marbles, Q-tips, cottonballs, raisins, etc.) have them group the items into sets of 10. The left-overs (those that do not have enough to make a 10-set) will tell them how many ones are in their number. For example, if I had two sets of 10 Q-tips each and 6 left over my number would be 24. See if they can group the items and then tell you their number.

Your child is bringing home a Reading Rewards packet today. Please be sure you read it and fill out the enclosed forms. It is a program that helps our kids recieve our TIME for kids magazines at no cost for parents. You do not have to buy anything (yay!) just fill out 7 of the forms. Thank you in advance for your support!

Have a wonderful and warm evening. Be safe if you have to venture out and let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday Tidbits

It's snowing in our classroom! We finished our symmetrical snowflakes and made them "glisten" today. See if your child can tell you what "glisten" means and ask them to tell you what we added to our snowflakes to make them fancy. Today, we read a different version of "The Mitten" that we had read yesterday. We talked about how folktales have been passed down and how parts of the stories get changed slightly when they are re-told. Today we read Jan Brett's version of The Mitten and had a great time finding out things that were the same between the two versions and also finding the things that were different. In order to organize our findings, we introduced Venn Diagrams and the kids created their own Venn Diagram to compare the 2 versions. This is a tricky concept, but they did great. We went on to compare members of our classroom family and look for ways in which we are different and the same. See if your child can remember you how Eli and Kye were the same or different, or how David and Ms. Beverage were the same or different. Continue this at home by having your child create their own Venn Diagram comparing the similarities and differences between themselves and a sibling or parent. It's a great excercise to get your child thinking on a higher level!

In math we continued to do lots of review. Our first grade goal for this quarter is to write our numbers in order to 100. We did some candy cane math to practice and many of our children earned their 100 prize today. Ask your child to tell you about it.

In art we learned about primary and intermediate colors. Check your child's understanding by asking them to tell you about each one.

Tomorrow wraps up our short welcome-back week. Be ready for the cold air that is supposed to be arriving and be sure your kids are bundled up next week!

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Thursday = A Friday = B

Happy New Year in room 111! Our first day of the new year together was wonderful! It was so great to have all of my friends back. They were ready to rock this morning and stayed energized all day! We welcomed our new friend, Kassidy, today. Everyone was so loving and kind to her. I was very proud of each one of them. We did a lot of journaling about our winter break. It was so fun to hear about all of their adventures and treasures! It sounds like Pillow Pets, DS's and Snuggies were hot items this year! Way to go.

Our story today was an old Ukrainian folktale called, The Mitten. Your child listened to the story, used visualization to imagine the story, learned several new vocabulary words such as "trudged" and worked on sequencing events in this old tale. Tonight they are bringing home their yellow mitten with an assignment on the front. They should be able to use their mitten and the character squares inside of it to re-tell the story. The concept of re-telling is crucial improving your child's reading comprehension! Please encourage them to re-tell or summarize the important events in all the stories they read with you at home. During their re-tell tonight, encourage them to include details about the boy, Ivan, in our story.

What was Ivan doing when he lost his mitten?
Where did Ivan lose his mitten?
How do you think Ivan felt when he lost his favorite mitten? Why do you think that?
Why did the mouse tell the owl that he could come in if he had good manners?

Questions like this will help your child remember important events from this story and strengthens their comprehension skills, which will help them a great deal in the upcoming semester.

In math today we did lots of review to make sure our brains hadn't turned too mushy over break! I am happy to report that we were all sharp as tacks! We worked on our January calendar and used a number chart to solve big addition problems
(92 + 8 = ?).

This afternoon we worked on making fancy snowflakes and it took some muscle power! We haven't unveiled our creations yet, but tomorrow we will see the result of our hard work.

Welcome back! I am so excited for this semester with your child. As always, let me know if you ever have any questions or if you need anything. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Are you ready????

Wednesday = D Thursday = A Friday = B

Hi friends! I hope this post finds you all doing great and ready to come back to school tomorrow! I am so excited to see each one of you and hear about all of the fun and exciting things that you did over winter break. I have some exciting news! Tomorrow we will be welcoming a new friend to our class family! Please be ready to greet our friend, Kassidy, with kindness and smiles. I know you will all help Kassidy feel right at home in her new school and show her what a wonderful place Sunflower is!

We have lots of fun things to learn in 2011. I hope you are rested and ready to come back and see me. I have missed you! I will be waiting for you tomorrow at our door!